通用申请(Common Application),简称Common App,一个用于申请美国500多所高等院校及海外其他国家高校入学申请的应用网站。 图为Common App官网 作为每一个主申美国本科方向的申请者都会使用的平台,Common App 最近发布了一年一度基于平台申请数据年度报告,来汇总刚刚过去的...
The Common App essay prompts will remain the same for 2022-2023. Because as we enter the third...
In 2023, the Common Application announced that theCommon App essay promptswill remain unchanged from the 2022-2023 school year. The Common App essay prompts have remained almost the same for the past five years, but crafting a strong and compelling essay to respond to these prompts has remained...
2020年Common App公布新增有关Covid-19附加文书题目时,TD文书老师们在第一时间为大家提供了破题思路,2027er如果想选择此题可以点击最新!Common App文书因疫情做出重要调整来寻找一些创作灵感。 以下为2022-2023 Common App文书题目完整版: ...
What Are the Common App Essay Prompts and Where Can I Find Them? There are seven Common App first-year essay prompts for the 2023-2024 school year, and they are the same as the ones used for the 2022-2023- application. Students need to choose only one prompt. The prompts ask students...
以下为2022-2023 Common App文书题目完整版: 信息来源:https://www.commonapp.org/blog/2022-2023-common-app-essay-prompts 参考翻译如下: 1. 一些学生的背景、身份、兴趣或才能非常有意义,他们认为如果没有这些,他们的申请将是不完整的。如果这听起来像你,那么请分享你的故事。
01CA-Essay Prompts #1 Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. 有些学生会认为自己的背景、身份、兴趣或者特质是意义重大的,是自己不...
Common App的高级总监Scott Anderson也曾说, 这些Essay Prompts不是主题或题目,它们是一些旨在激发申请者思考的问题。Common App的题目旨在询问,除了课程、成绩和标化考试成绩之外,你希望阅读你的申请文件的招生官了解你什么。虽然只有七个题目,但是你有无限的可能性来讲述你的故事。
The Common Application has announced the personal statement essay prompts for the 2024-25 college admissions season. What are the Common App essay prompts?
So say you choose a topic,there are still many ways you can write on that topic,even multiple prompts from the list of common app prompts that will suit your topic. 假设你选择了前6个题目之一,仍然还有很多不同的方式可以去发挥你的大学文书。那也有可能你遇到一个情形就是,你觉得有不止一个题目...