另外,这里还需要你写清课程数目、学制、课程名称(与成绩的保持一致)、课程等级(普高就是 Regular,美高或国际高中按情况填写)以及 Schedule。 Honors 荣誉部分最多可以填写 5 个,仅限9-12年级,需要详细到名称、等级、获奖时间等细节,需要注意的是:学术奖项优先。 "Community-based Organization" 部分一般是问你在申请...
另外,这里还需要你写清课程数目、学制、课程名称(与成绩的保持一致)、课程等级(普高就是 Regular,美高或国际高中按情况填写)以及 Schedule。 ● Honors Honors 荣誉部分最多可以填写 5 个,仅限9-12年级,需要详细到名称、等级、获奖时间等细节,需要注意的是:学术奖项优先。 ● Community-based Organization "Community...
国际高中的学生根据自己课程难度填写,国内普通课程一般这项都不适用-Course schedule:课程安排Honors最多可以列出5个奖项-Do you wish to report any honors related to your academic achievements beginning with the ninth grade or international equivalent?是否希望报告从九年级或国际同等学历开始的学术成就荣誉?-Honor...
登陆网址www.commonapp.org并创建自己的帐户。你会拥有一个唯一的Common App ID,它会显示在主页的右上角。 注册时请注意,Common App创建密码要同时包括大小写字母、数字、符号四者。 5大功能分区: College Search:通过学校或城市名称搜索你想申请的大学,并将这些学校添加到你的大学列表中。 My Colleges:显示每个新...
通用申请(Common Application),简称Common App, 是一个用于申请美国高等院校、奥地利、法国、德国、意大利、瑞士、英国等海外国家以及中国大陆部分中外合作高校的应用网站。 该申请系统可以让申请人一次性、一站式地进行原本繁琐的大学申请流程,填写完个...
The Honors section appears in the Education section of the Common App. First, it will ask you how many honors you wish to list. Because you are limited to five, you may need to choose the ones that are most important to you, or those that best represent your academic achievements. ...
Positions held, honors won, letters earned, or employer In this section, please describe the activity and your level of participation. Please note that your description should be concise, or it may be cut off by the Common ...
14.Course level, if applicable:课程的难度。根据学校课程情况填写。国外的学生或国内的国际班学生可能要填写如IB课程或AP课程或Honors课程。国内普通课程则一般无需填写这项。 15.If you have received any honors related to your academic achievements beginning with the ninth grade or international equivalent, ...
aat spring festival we eat a big family dinner 在春节我们吃一顿大家庭晚餐[translate] aCommon appBriefly list any academic distinctions or honors you have received since the ninth grade o appBriefly共同性名单您从第九年级o接受了的任何学术分别或荣誉[translate]...
Positions held, honors won, letters earned, or employer In this section, please describe the activity and your level of participation. Please note that your description should be concise, or it may be cut off by the Common Application. Participation Grade Level ...