1. 再利用性 思考能否使用Common App中的personal essay或supplemental essay来回答加州大学的这些问题?这样写作的效率能有所提高。 2. 连贯性 例如你想让招生官了解你所在的高中提供很少的学术机会,你可能会选有连贯性的第4、5题回答。在相关主题撰...
This is very common as the Common App is often the first personal essay college applicants have ever written. One way of getting unstuck if you feel like you aren’t getting creative or personal enough is to keep asking yourself “why” For example: I love basketball… Why? I enjoy playin...
Your personal statement is about you. Other people may have been involved in the story you want to tell, but they shouldn’t be the stars of your essay’s show. For example, it’s clear that this writer’s mother played a key role in this essay, but the focus remains on the writer...
Common App,是通用申请Common Application的简称,也就是大家常提到的CA系统,已经有超过40年的历史,也是目前美国本科申请使用最广的申请系统。是美国大学本科入学网上申请的一站式网站,适用于包括哈佛,耶鲁,普林斯顿等名校在内的700多所美国大学。 根据其官网介绍,目前Common App的合作院校有近900所,除美国外,还有其他...
This essay is a great example of how to properly approach this prompt. Student Teacher– An essay about an event that sparked personal growth. This essay example shows how demonstrating mental growth and wisdom can be just as effective as retelling how you overcame a difficulty. ...
你可能Words(字数)和Characters(字母数)两个没看清,Brief Answers应该是1000个字母,Common Apps的250 words是minimum,最後的PS字数介於250~500就可以,最好不要超过,超过十个字或许没事,但超过太多就一定没好下场。
Personal Essay:有些学校要求学生在Common上提交个人陈述,有些学校则不需要,在这个页面会看到添加的学校里面哪些学校是需要的,哪些学校是不需要的。但是一般比较好的学校都会要求学生写个人陈述。Please write an essay (250-650 words) on the topic selected. 请选择一下任意一个topic, 写一篇250-650个字的个人陈...
Common App Essay Examples Prompt #1 Prompt #2 Prompt #3 Prompt #4 Prompt #5 Prompt #6 Prompt #7 Is Your Common App Essay Strong Enough? When you begin writing your Common App essay, having an example to look at can help you understand how to effectively write your college essay so ...
Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design. (Fun fact: Since the pandemic, the Common App has also offered an optional COVID-19 section ...
CA主文书不是传统的五段式Essay,你可以在结构上进行创造性的自由发挥,并使用对话并以及生动的文字描述。 但是要确保你的文章里上下文的逻辑要通顺。无论是段与段之间、还是句与句之间,你的观点应该清晰自然。确保这一点的好方法是使用一个故事线(也就...