The Common Application has announced the personal statement essay prompts for the 2024-25 college admissions season. What are the Common App essay prompts?
问题:Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.(分享一篇你自选题目的文章,这篇文章可以是你已经写好的对另外一个问题的回答,也可以是由自己设计题目并进行回答。)解析:这是个“写...
Prompt 7:Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design. 棕榈导师解读:最后一题是一个非常开放的问题,看似范围很广,很容易写,但它却是七个题目里面最难的。这个题目要求你分享任何一个你感...
Many colleges and universities announce their supplemental essay prompts in the weeks leading up to the official opening of the Common Application on Aug. 1. TheCommon App essay promptsare already available for this cycle, allowing students applying to college this fall to get a head start on th...
Common App文书的字数限制在250-650字之间,个人陈述控制在500字左右最佳。并且把你想要展示的每一部分提前分配好字数,在设定好的字数下展开。 03避免的事项 直接把申请学校A的Essay套用在学校B上。 对自己将来的规划不清楚,或申请的专业与目前的背景完全无法相符。
Prompt 7:Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design. 棕榈导师解读:最后一题是一个非常开放的问题,看似范围很广,很容易写,但它却是七个题目里面最难的。这个题目要求你分享任何一个你感...
数百所美国大学通用的申请系统Common Application公布2025Fall申请季的主文书题目了,好消息是和去年的一样! 和加州系的八选四不同,Common App只需要提供一篇主文书,申请者任选其一写作。 相应的,CA的文书字数也可以更长,能够覆盖的话题也更广泛。这七道题...
Common App Essay非常重要 申请大学入学时需要提供某些定量的评价信息(例如学业成绩和考试分数)和定性因素。 从招生人员看,定性因素更难用于衡量申请者。 虽然学业成绩、标化考试成绩和课外活动对于申请名校至关重要,但名校的招生录取过于激烈,平均而言,五个申...
题目七:Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design. “写你想写的”,看似简单,实际上最难。写作前需要想清楚:希望学校从这篇文书中了解自己哪些特质?
Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design. 分享一篇根据申请者自行挑选的任何一个题目而写的文章。文章可以是先前写好的,...