USC, University of Southern California TheCommon App, also called theCommon Applicationis used by colleges and universities that promote admission to college through a holistic process. A holistic college selection process includes objective criteria and subjective criteria, such as: * academic recommendat...
美国大学三大主流网申系统CA(Common Application)、UC(University of California)和CAAS(Coalition for Access, Affordability and Success)于昨日(8月1日)正式开放,这标志着2025年美国本科秋季入学申请季正式拉开大幕! 如果你也有兴趣去往美国留学,...
注册打开网页 点击Apply Now: 注册完成后,将直接进入登陆页面,然后会看到四个菜单:Dashboard(控制面板),My Colleges(我的大学),Common App(通用申请平台),College Search(大学搜寻),下面将逐一提到这四个模块,其中同学们需要重点熟悉的是Common App(通用申请平台)。 二、Dashboard(控制面板) 在...
所有需要self-report校内成绩的大学名单见网址: 更细节的攻略可以添加小美老师了解更多!祝愿大家的申请季顺利! 回复【CA申请】,了解更多 最后再来看看一些美国大学的...
It was founded in 2008 and is based in Cupertino, California. SCOIR SCOIR operates as a network connecting students, supporters, high schools, and colleges within the educational sector. The company provides a platform for college planning, career discovery, and the college application process for ...
Common Application 申请总体包含两部分内容,第一部分为Common App 部分,这部分包括Profile (个人信息),Family (家庭背景),Education (教育背景),Testing (标准化考试信息),Activities (所参与课外活动内容),Writing (文书写作),Course&Grades (所学课程及成绩)。第二部分为 My Colleges,即所申请院校的具体问题,要求...
完成所有必填项及选择后,请点击页面右下角的“Create Account”按钮,您的账号注册即告完成。Common App填写指导成功注册Common Application(CA)账号后,每次登录时,请从首页点击“Sign in”按钮,并在随后出现的选项中选择“First-year s...
California Institute of Technology Johns Hopkins Northwestern University Duke University Dartmouth College Brown University Vanderbilt University Rice University Washington University in St. Louis Cornell University University of Notre Dame Emory University ...
如有需要完整列表可以在官网查看 此前,Common App官方宣布2021-2022申请季部分板块会做出调整。比如: 01 主文书第4题有改动,变成“Reflect on something that someone has done for you tha...
The process requires thorough brainstorming, strategy, and editing to produce an essay that is distinct from those of thousands of other applicants vying for seats at top colleges. As students choose a prompt and begin brainstorming essays, here are the key points to consider in order to ...