另外,Common App在形式方面也做了一些微调: 1、在添加学校的时候,会出现学校的 Logo,Logo 也会显示在 “My Colleges” 和“Dashboard” 的部分。 2、在“Account Settings” 部分,可以选择自己的 “Avatar”, 比如 “Ghost”, “Cat”, “Music” 等。 CA 的填写是一件比较繁琐的事情,以下为CA 填写步骤,...
登陆网址www.commonapp.org并创建自己的帐户。你会拥有一个唯一的Common App ID,它会显示在主页的右上角。 注册时请注意,Common App创建密码要同时包括大小写字母、数字、符号四者。 5大功能分区 College Search:通过学校或城市名称搜索你想申请...
Colleges & Universities在大学所上的课程 -If you have ever taken coursework at a college or university, please indicate the number of colleges: 如果从9年级开始你有参加过大学课程(例如Summer School),请填写上过课的大学数量。如果没上过,就填0。注意就算你已经在国内上了大学,只要你希望重新申请freshmen,...
另外,Common App在形式方面也做了一些微调,主打一个美观和个性化: 1、在添加学校的时候,会出现学校的 Logo,Logo 也会显示在 “My Colleges” 和“Dashboard” 的部分。 2、在“Account Settings” 部分,申请者可以选择自己的 “Avatar”, 比如 “Ghost”, “Cat”, “Music” 等,增加了趣味性。 02 手把手...
A.在Current and Most Recent School和Other Secondary/High School这两栏中,请大家把从初三(或9年级)以来到今天为止,所有上过的学校,按时间顺序录入。有红色五角星标识的为必填,所以请先查询好Counselor的名字。 B.Colleges&Universities包括你的 summer school, summer program, 网络课程等都可以。如果只是summer cam...
学生如需申请这些大学,则需要将Courses & Grades版块填写完整。(There are 12 Common App member colleges and universities using Courses & Grades for 2017-2018. These institutions will require students who apply to complete the Courses & Grades section:)...
Courses & Grades: Many students are required to submit self-reported high school academic records when applying to some colleges and universities. With Courses & Grades, students will be able to fill out their self-reported tran information as part of their Common Application. By integrating the ...
Courses & Grades: Many students are required to submit self-reported high school academic records when applying to some colleges and universities. With Courses & Grades, students will be able to fill out their self-reported transcript information as part of their Common Application. By integrating ...
In this context, AP and IB courses do not count as college courses. When you initially open up the Colleges & Universities section, it will look like this: The first question reads as follows: If you have taken a college/university course, please indicate the number of colleges. If you ...
At its core, the Common Application essay is designed to make you answer the question, “WHO are you?” What colleges and universities want to know is (1) how your experiences or background have shaped you into the person you are today and (2) how who you are today is going to affec...