As we delve into understanding the patterns and causes of injuries in Mississippi, it's critical to understand that injuries aren't always a result of direct accidents. A variety of factors come into play, ranging from environmental conditions to occupational hazards, lifestyle choices, and sometim...
For many people, the words "crowd control" evoke squashed concert halls and parades,"but for Mississippi hopheads, it's all about the imperial India pale. The combination of citrus and pineapple in the dry-hopping draft made this malt, manufactured in 2013, the favorite of the state. You ...
Flea bites are not only itchy and irritating and can lead to pet hair loss, but they can also transmit diseases and tapeworms. Most homeowners deal with “cat fleas,” which can leech onto dogs, cats, humans, and other animals. Flea activity peaks from spring to early autumn. Turf damage...
These animals were held in quarantine for > 14 days during which a blood sample was taken from them to test for antibod- ies reactive with influenza A virus. For experimental procedures, each pen was supplied with a small nest box and a cardboard box (so cottontails could remove ...
Intersexual niche divergence in northern map turtles (Graptemys geographica): the roles of diet and habitat Sexual dimorphism in body size and in trophic morphology are common in animals and are often concordant with patterns of habitat use and diet. Proximate fa... G. Bulte´ , M.-A. ...
Nothing screams “hypocritical tyrant” quite like fictional pigs in human clothing, declaring: “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others!” At least, that’s the deeper meaning George Orwell hoped to convey inAnimal Farm, a fictional mirror of communism. ...
PREDATORY animalsPONDSANIMAL diversityTROPHIC cascadesGeographic variation in species behavior and life history has been well documented in biology. Species with wide geographic distributions (i.e., across a continent) but small home ranges (i.e., 650 km apart) in Ohio, M...
In the enzootic area, there is an at-risk population of more than 70 million head of cattle. Vampire bats usually bite many animals in a herd. The proportion of animals bitten may vary from 6 to 52% and bites may be multiple. Baer (1991) reported a herd of 42 cows in Oaxaca, ...
State All Alabama Arkansas Idaho Georgia Louisiana Minnesota Mississippi South Carolina Texas County Category All Premier Properties Sport & Recreation Timberland Communities Acreage All Less than 20 Acres 20 - 80 Acres 80 - 200 Acres More than 200 Acres ...
Mississippi:Being dumped (25%) Missouri:Being chased (18.75%) Montana:Getting trapped somewhere (50%) Interesting Fact: Montana is one of the states with theworst animal trapping regulations. The guilt and empathy for the animals could be weighing on the residents’ minds. ...