The Monitor for China Corn Prcies and China Corn Daily Prices is provided by Sunsirs, China Commodity Data Group
SunSirs: The Benchmark Prices for Crude Oil in SunSirs are Rising slightly on February 24 2025-02-24 15:31:37 SunSirs On February 24th, the WTI crude oil benchmark price in SunSirs is $72.57 per barrel, an increase of 0.06% compared to the beginning of this ...
A structural model is developed to simulate the probability distributions of corn prices by month. The intent is to determine the relationship between model specifications, based on a rational expectations competitive storage framework, and the probability distributions of monthly prices. Specifically, can...
More on Commodity Prices, Volatility and Risk: Is the Corn Market Becoming Riskier?doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.33663.61602Fabio Mattos
According to Cunnison, many commodity producers underinvested in capacity expansions over the past decade for a variety of reasons. "This has set up a situation where we will likely see demand outstrip supply during the next decade, which will put upward pressure on prices," he says. "This...
This paper compares the accuracy of major commercial price forecasts for corn, wheat, soybeans, soybean oil, soybean meal, cotton, live cattle, and hogs. The price-forecasting information in futures prices is evaluated by comparison. The results among commercial forecasters are mixed, but futures...
Yet, tests for unit roots have rather frequently implied that commodity prices are not stationary. This seeming inconsistency is investigated by focusing on alternative specifications of unit root tests. We apply various specifications to Illinois farm prices of corn, soybeans, barrows and gilts, and...
Prices for grains and cereals, the largest component in the index, fell 3.0 percent compared to October and were 19.4 percent below their levels in 2022. Corn, wheat and barley prices pushed the index lower, while prices for rice and sorghum were stable. ...
cornpricesaretypicallylowestatharvestandtrendhigherduring theyearasstorage,interest,andinsurancecostsaccumulateover time.Changesindemandforethanoloverthecourseoftheyear relatedtothedrivingseasonduringthesummermonthsand changingDDGsfeedrationsdependingonthelivestockcycleare ...
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, from January 2nd to 14th, MTBE prices rose from 5,562 RMB/ton to 6,225 RMB/ton, with aSunSirs: China MTBE Market Trend Rises narrowly 2025-01-13 09:16:12 SunSirs According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs...