The meaning of COMMIT is to carry into action deliberately : perpetrate. How to use commit in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Commit.
commitment; committal (the official act of consigning a person to confinement (as in a prison or mental hospital))Sense 4Meaning:Confer a trust uponExample:I commit my soul to GodSynonyms:commit; confide; entrust; intrust; trustClassified under:...
摘要: Provides insights on the rules of committing a patient to hospital care. Rule governing emergency cases; Criteria for committal; Recommendations for cases involving mental illness; Concerns over patient safety.年份: 1981 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 ...
He’s allowed to use his phone a few times a day. He has been in counseling all week, and was put on medication. His family was able to visit him at the hospital yesterday. This weekend, he is being transferred to a psychiatric facility. It was his choice and he chose to be admitt...
The Police Services Act in Ontario currently says an officer charged with a criminal offence can only be suspended with pay. For someone to be suspended without pay, the person must be convicted and sentenced to a term of incarceration — a punishment Redmond has only now faced. ...