Code of conduct Apache-2.0 license Security Steering Committee Members The Steering Committee is a 7 member body, overseeing the governance of the Kubernetes project. See theSteering Committee Charterfor specific committee structure information.
Some systems provide an electronic form or template.21 Nevertheless, when these are not available a “de novo” proposal should be generated outlining the purpose, the statistical analysis plan, the research team, and potential conflicts of interest. The review process may come from an internal ...
README Code of conduct Security CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) The CNCF TOC is the technical governing body of the CNCF Foundation. It admits and oversees all projects in the CNCF Foundation and has a mandate to facilitate driving neutral consensus for: defining and maintaining the tech...
The Chief Executive should consider with his management team measures to ensure that future Board papers should be more succinct and propose a template of key performance indicators to assist the Board in its oversight of management. KPMG have suggested that the Board should establish an Executive ...
To address these, the Committee recommends: (a) The development and launch of a Policy and Code of Conduct on Equal Opportunities and Sexual Harassment (addressing sexual and verbal abuse with clear definitions of what these entail, among others) for staff, National officers, the NEC, all ...
The CNCF TOC is the technical governing body of the CNCF. It admits and oversees all projects in the CNCF and has a mandate to facilitate driving neutral consensus for: defining and maintaining the technical vision andprinciplesfor the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, ...
请采用[安全流程电子邮件模板](,同时您可以使用[openEuler安全委员会](成员的PGP公钥将电子邮件加密到此邮件。收到上报邮件后,安全问题分发员会在其repository内新建一个安全Issue。 如果有需要,SC将询问您是否可以通过负责人的方式秘密披露此问题。如果您反对,我们将采用公开披露的...
re-ordering and renaming columns to match our beeswarm template exact…src re-ordering and renaming columns to match our beeswarm template exact….flake8 Initial commit .gitignore Initial commit .pre-commit-config.yaml First commit Initial commit LICENSE Initial commit ...