必应词典为您提供commitment-device的释义,网络释义: 承诺机制;承诺手段;实现诺言机制;
Commitment Device在多个领域都有广泛的应用。在个人理财方面,储蓄计划、定期存款、养老保险等都可以视为Commitment Device的一种形式,它们通过限制资金的使用方式,帮助人们积累财富,实现长期的财务目标。在健康管理方面,锻炼计划、饮食控制、戒烟限酒等也是Commitment Device的应用案例,它们通过设定具体的行动计划和目标,帮助...
托福口语中关于“Commitment Device”(承诺装置)的表达 在托福口语考试中,如果遇到关于“Commitment Device”的话题,你可以参考以下表达方式来构建你的回答: 一、引入话题 在开头部分,你可以先简要介绍什么是“Commitment Device”。例如: “In today's discussion, we will be talking about commitment devices. These...
aslack start 自由散漫的开始[translate] aIt is noted that 它被注意那[translate] acommitment device 承诺设备[translate]
commitment /kəˈmɪtmənt/ n. 承诺,许诺,委任 device/dɪˈvaɪs/ n. 装置,设备,方法,策略,手段 commitment devices 承诺设备 commitment
今天跟大家分享的是托福TPO66中task3的一个参考示范,快来一起看看吧! 首先,题目阅读部分 听力部分 大家可以先自己试着做一下,然后看后面我的一个参考。 参考笔记 口语回答参考 最后祝大家生活愉快,都能考到理…
This paper is concerned with self-commitment devices – the arrangements people make to formalize and facilitate their goals. Broadly, a commitment device is an arrangement entered into by an individual with the aim of helping fulfill a plan for future behavior that would otherwise be difficult ...
Third, we present the evidence on both informal and formal commitment devices, and we conclude with a discussion of policy implications, including sin taxes, consumer protection, and commitment device design. 展开 关键词:commitment contracts present-biased preferences self-control temptation models ...
电子科技大学 控制理论与控制工程硕士 commitment device. | A commitment device is a choice you make in the present that controls your actions in the future. It is a way to lock in future behavior, bind you to good habits, and restrict you from bad ones. When Victor Hugo shut his cl...
Our results suggest that climate change policies that focus on investments that lock the economy into carbon-free energy sources provide an important commitment device in the intertemporal cooperation problem.doi:10.1016/J.JEEM.2018.10.004Sebastian Dengler...