COMMIT_WAIT = { NOWAIT | WAIT | FORCE_WAIT } デフォルト値 デフォルト値はありません。 変更可能 変更可(セッション・レベルとシステム・レベルの両方で)。 PDBで変更可能 はい 基本 いいえ Oracle RAC 各インスタンスに固有の設定が指定可能 NOWAITオプションを指定するとエラ...
默认是immediate模式 commit_wait commit_write参数只在Oracle 10gR2中有效,在oracle 11g中被commit_logging和commit_wait取代。
默认是immediate模式 commit_wait 这个参数可以设置成nowait wait force_wait wait的模式下只是在redo写到磁盘上后commit才会返回,不管是batch还是immeidate方式,客户端接受到commit的成功消息,那么事务就已经是持久化的了。 nowait就是不管写没写完,都告诉客户端完成了。可能会导致数据的的丢失,但是速度更快了。 默认...
If non-zero, binlog write will wait at mostbinlog_commit_wait_usecmicroseconds for at least this many commits to queue up for group commit to the binlog. This can reduce I/O on the binlog and provide increased opportunity for parallel apply on the slave, but too high a value will dec...
commit_write引數只在Oracle 10gR2中有效,在oracle 11g中被commit_logging和commit_wait取代。 [@more@] 來自“ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
binlog_commit_wait_usec MariaDB Documentation:: MariaDB SkySQL:: MariaDB SkySQL DBaaS Topics: Working with SkySQL Service Management Connect and Query Data Operations Security Launch-Time Selections Partner Integrations Reader Tools Pages that link here ...
使用API函数需要注意:要使用 wait = 'X'. 不然多条会dump IF ex_statu NE 'E'. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' EXPORTING wait = 'X'. READ TABLE lt_get INTO ls_get INDEX 1. ex_lifnr = ls_get-header-object_instance-lifnr. ...
(: “Waiting for transaction commit processing for the synchronized secondary databases to harden the log. This wait is also reflected by the Transaction Delay performance counter. This wait type is expected for synchronized availability groups and indicates the time to send, write, and acknowledge ...
wait 还是不wait,这是个问题。 这是同步更新还是异步更新的问题;如果是只commit work,是异步更新,触发注册在当前SAP LUW中所有数据更新动作,数据更新动作由SAP的更新工作进程来执行,当前程序不等待更新动作结束,直接向下执行。 commit work and wait 是同步更新,此语句触发注册在当前SAP LUW所有数据更新动作,当前主程...
This PR changes how we insert async wait expressions on async operations that have a commit-wait flavor (wgmma, TMA store). In the past, we always just insert a commit; wait 0; right after the asyn...