1. 解释commit-msg hook failed的含义 commit-msg hook failed 表示在执行 Git 提交操作(git commit)时,预定义的 commit-msg 钩子脚本失败了。Git 钩子(hooks)是 Git 提供的在特定操作发生时自动执行的脚本,它们位于 Git 仓库的 .git/hooks/ 目录下(或者全局配置中的对应位置)。commit-msg 钩子特别用于在提交...
husky > commit-msg hook failed (add --no-verify to bypass) ➜ guchejia_web_app git:(uicheck) ✗ git status On branch uicheck Changes to be committed: (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) modified: npm-shrinkwrap.json modified: src/page/weibaochaxun/app.tsx modified: src...
Java - Committing fails in Git hooks pre-commit because, The node version you have should run fine. Can you try running npm install again as this trigger the hook See no issues when doing git commits from terminal; Then, it's probably Node sourcing problem since the paths to it might be...
1、在子系统git仓库路径/.git/hooks下,将以下内容覆盖commit-msg.sample文件中 #!/bin/sh# # An example hook script to check the commit log message. # Called by"git commit"with one argument, the name of thefile# that has the commit message. The hook should exit with non-zero # status af...
Hello and thank you for creating and maintaining this project. I've started using it very recently and I am having issues with setting up a hook that would allow me and my colleagues to verify Git commit messages (with regex). Reading th...
shell 如何在commit-msg hook中交替运行两个if条件?$1不是提交消息,而是包含提交消息的文件名,因此您...
> --- a/t/t7505-prepare-commit-msg-hook.sh > +++ b/t/t7505-prepare-commit-msg-hook.sh > @@ -181,5 +181,27 @@ test_expect_success 'with failing hook (merge)' ' > test_must_fail git merge other > > ' > +git merge --abort # cleanup, since the merge failed. ...
+++ b/t/t7505-prepare-commit-msg-hook.sh @@ -181,5 +181,27 @@ test_expect_success 'with failing hook (merge)' ' test_must_fail git merge other ' +git merge --abort # cleanup, since the merge failed. + +test_expect_success 'should have MERGE_HEAD (merge)' ' ...
post-commit hook failed (exit code 1) with no output... Here is my post-commit.bat: C:\Repositories\MyProject\hooks\post-commit-run.bat %1 %2 >> C:\data \logs\post-commit.log 2>&1 Here is post-commit-run.bat: @ECHO OFF ...
> Commit succeeded, but post-commit hook failed > post-commit hook failed (exit code 1) with no output... > > Here is my post-commit.bat: > C:\Repositories\MyProject\hooks\post-commit-run.bat %1 %2 >> C:\data > \logs\post-commit.log 2>&1 ...