1. 解释commit-msg hook failed的含义 commit-msg hook failed 表示在执行 Git 提交操作(git commit)时,预定义的 commit-msg 钩子脚本失败了。Git 钩子(hooks)是 Git 提供的在特定操作发生时自动执行的脚本,它们位于 Git 仓库的 .git/hooks/ 目录下(或者全局配置中的对应位置)。commit-msg 钩子特别用于在提交...
在终端输入git commit -am "**",提交代码时 会触发pre-commit的钩子,他会在Git提交信息之前先做代码风格的检测 如果不符合相应规则,会报错 它的检测规则就是根据.git/hooks/pre-commit文件里面的相关定义 解决方案 提交代码commit时,忽略pre-commit校验的钩子,加上参数--no-verify ...
Committing from Windows machine appears to fail on the husky commands (with no real help on what path/file was not found): The prepare-commit-msg command will not work for win32 as is: exec < /dev/tty && git-cz --hook
Java - Committing fails in Git hooks pre-commit because, The node version you have should run fine. Can you try running npm install again as this trigger the hook See no issues when doing git commits from terminal; Then, it's probably Node sourcing problem since the paths to it might be...
Git Hook - 实现commit-msg自动装饰 背景:并行版本较多,合并至版本发布分支主分支时无法看出初始提交分支 需求:系统开发人员执行git commit时,自动在commit-msg中补充当前所在分支名 操作步骤: 1、在子系统git仓库路径/.git/hooks下,将以下内容覆盖commit-msg.sample文件中...
您可以尝试这个commit-msg验证器。它不是ruby,但您可以根据需要轻松地配置它,您甚至可以编写your own ...
The hook should exit with non-zero # status after issuing an appropriate message if it wants to stop the # commit. The hook is allowed to edit the commit message file. # # To enable this hook, rename this file to "commit-msg". # Uncomment the below to add a Signed-off-by l...
> --- a/t/t7505-prepare-commit-msg-hook.sh > +++ b/t/t7505-prepare-commit-msg-hook.sh > @@ -181,5 +181,27 @@ test_expect_success 'with failing hook (merge)' ' > test_must_fail git merge other > > ' > +git merge --abort # cleanup, since the merge failed. ...
Hello and thank you for creating and maintaining this project. I've started using it very recently and I am having issues with setting up a hook that would allow me and my colleagues to verify Git commit messages (with regex). Reading th...