Commit the offense'是一个多场景适用的英语短语,主要指违反法律、规则或道德准则的行为,具体含义根据语境变化。该短语既可
aAnn is twelve years old. Ann 是 十二 年 老人。 [translate] aThus, under the Sherman Act, the defendant's intent to commit the offense is necessary, but the 因此,在谢尔曼法案之下,被告的意向做进攻是必要的,但 [translate] 英语翻译 日语翻译 韩语翻译 德语翻译 法语翻译 俄语翻译 阿拉伯语翻译 ...
—commit + offense/sin/crime/murder/robbery/theft/suicide(在古英语中,自杀也是一种罪)—commit + mistakes/errors 💫Most crimes are committed by young men. 大多数犯罪是年轻人干的。 2⃣ 承诺做某事(根据语境灵活运用) 💫He has not committed himself to a relationship. 他没有对一段感情做出承诺...
You should commit the words into memory.看完是不是觉得晕晕的,每一句的意思好像都联系不上~~ ………接下来就揭开commit的神秘面纱~~~共四种用法:1、 犯错、犯罪2、 把……交给……3、 承诺做某事、坚定不移做某事4、 在某事上表态 详细分析这四种用法~~~1. 犯错、犯罪commit搭配offense/sin/crime(犯罪...
commit这个词,很多资料一直没说清楚,这里做个总结。 1、“做”、“干”——错事、坏事。=conduct 这个意义的commit,主要搭配mistakes/errors(错误),offense/sin/crime(犯罪),murder,robbery,theft,suicide(自杀——在religion中自杀和杀人一样,也是犯罪)
🌟③ v. 犯(错,罪);干(坏事):Draw the lessons you learned and try to avoid committing a similar offense in the future. 吸取你学到的教训,并尽量避免在未来犯下类似的错误。 🌟④ v. 拨出;把...留作将来用:This is a core part of our strategy and we have forged partnerships and commit...
7. Will the President be able to hold to this commit-ment? 总统能恪守此承诺吗? 8. Nobody was prepared to commit themselves. 谁都不愿作出承诺。 9. to commit an offense 犯罪 10. to commit a sin 犯罪 11. to commit suicide 自杀 12. A thinking person must commit himself to working for...
An intent to commit a crime is a common element of a criminal offense. Some crimes require prosecutors to prove that you acted with a specific intent to commit the offense. Others only require a general intent. Finally, some criminal offenses do not require intent at all. These are strict ...
7. Will the President be able to hold to this commit-ment? 总统能恪守此承诺吗? 8. Nobody was prepared to commit themselves. 谁都不愿作出承诺。 9. to commit an offense 犯罪 10. to commit a sin 犯罪 11. to commit suicide 自杀 12. A thinking person must commit himself to working for...
1. 承担责任与犯罪</ 当我们说到"Most crimes are committed by young men"时,这里的commit不仅仅是犯错,更关乎犯罪行为。它与offense/sin/crime(犯罪)、mistakes/errors(错误)或murder, robbery, theft等罪行紧密相连,甚至在古英语中,自杀也被视为一种犯罪。2. 交付与委托</ commit这...