致力于做某事:除了表示承诺外,“commit oneself to doing sth.”还可以理解为“致力于做某事”。这种表达强调了个人对某件事情的专注和投入,表明个人将全力以赴地追求某个目标或完成某项任务。 三、使用场景举例 个人发展:在职场或学业中,人们常常会说“I have committed m...
commit oneself to doing: 强调对当前正在进行的行动的承诺或决心。 通常接动名词(-ing形式的动词),表示承诺正在进行的行为。 这种表达方式在日常口语或非正式场合中更为常见,用于表达个人决心或承诺时,能够传达出一种坚定和持续的态度。 例如:“I commit myself to exercising every day.”(我承诺每天锻炼。) co...
或 doing sth. 下面给出一些句式: ● commit oneself to sth. /doing sth 承诺某事, 或承诺保证做某事 I'm sorry, but I can't commit myself to your project because it seems fundamentally flawed. 对不起,我不能参与你的项目,因为你的项目从根本上有缺陷。 The government must commit itself to imp...
3. “commit oneself to doing”“I commit myself to helping my friends in need”.Here “commit” is a Transitive Verb with “myself” as the Object.(See #2 above for explanation of the phrase “to helping my friends in need”)
举例说明,如 "I committed myself to improving my language skills." 这里 "improving" 指的是持续提升语言能力的承诺。而 "I committed myself to learning English." 则更侧重于学习这一行动的承诺。具体而言,"commit oneself to sth." 通常用于承诺承担某项任务或责任,比如 "The government ...
I commit oneself to (doing) sth. 承诺/保证(做)某事;致力于(做)某事 【即时巩固】单句语法填空/完成句子】 ①I committed myself to___(seize) every chance to pass on kindness, which I hope will reach these good people one day. ②His___(commit) to education has earned respect from all...
意为“致力于”,“to helping my friends in need”为以“to”引导的不定式短语,修饰"committed"。3. "commit oneself to doing",如“I commit myself to helping my friends in need”,"commit"为及物动词,"myself"为其宾语。以上"commit"的各种用法在实际语言运用中根据语境灵活运用。
以下是对“commit to”的用法及短语的详细解析: 一、基本用法 “commit to”作为谓语,可以引导出具体的承诺对象或内容。例如: 跟名词:I commit myself to this cause.(我致力于这项事业。) 跟动名词:She committed herself to studying hard.(她承诺要努力学习。) 跟动词原...
I commit myself to do my homework every day. She committed herself to do the presentation by Friday. He committed himself to do the dishes after dinner. Show examples from the web [+] Alternatives: commit oneself to completing commit oneself to performing ...
💕 承诺:例如,I committed myself to you.(我向你承诺。)💔 自杀:例如,He committed suicide.(他自杀了。)💪 忠于,全心全意投入:例如,He committed himself to the project.(他全身心投入这个项目。)📚 词组搭配: commit murder:犯谋杀罪