If you're using Visual Studio versions 17.9 or earlier, see Get GitHub Copilot for Visual Studio 2022 versions 17.8 to 17.9. When you're ready to make a commit, use the sparkly pen icon (tooltip: Add AI generated commit message) at the lower right of the commit message text box to re...
而我自己的跟微软账户和github头像一样。 在Visual Studio Code (VSCode) 中,源代码管理(如 Git)的用户头像通常是从你的系统用户头像或者你在源代码管理系统中设置的头像中获取的。 如果你看到的同事的头像是一个机器人,那么这可能是因为他们使用了自定义的头像,或者他们可能在源代码管理系统中(例如 Git)设置了不...
CodeGeeX支持通过git diff信息,自动生成commit message,并成功提交。“这个功能真的是用了,就再也停不下来了!”很多程序员都说:“这个功能真的懂我们!” 它的使用方法非常简单,首先在你的VSCode插件市场中,搜索“CodeGeeX”智能编程助手,下载安装。全免费下载使用,是大家公认的Github Copilot国产平替!在VSCode上已...
I'm using visual studio 2019, and I'm faced with 3 options for when I commit my C# code. I need an explanation of the differences between each of the options with regards to what happens to my local repo vs. the GitHub repo. Option 1 saysCommit Option 2 saysCommit and Push Option ...
I'm using visual studio 2019, and I'm faced with 3 options for when I commit my C# code. I need an explanation of the differences between each of the options with regards to what happens to my local repo vs. the GitHub repo.
We continuously strive to improve our tools based on your feedback. Your insights are invaluable in making Visual Studio an even better platform for developers around the world. We appreciate your ongoing support and encourage you to keep sharing your thoughts with us. Let us know what you thin...
它的使用方法非常简单,首先在你的VSCode插件市场中,搜索“CodeGeeX”智能编程助手,下载安装。全免费下载使用,是大家公认的Github Copilot国产平替!在VSCode上已经有超过40万+用户下载安装,是VSCode上用户量第一的国产智能编程工具。 当你在 IDE 中进行代码修改并准备提交时,在代码管理器中,点击CodeGeeX的图标。Code...
While GitHub offers only Git as a version control system (VCS), Visual Studio Team Services offers decentralized Git by default and centralized TFVC as an alternative. These two VCSes work quite differently and require different IDE tooling. Fortunately, the Team Explorer windo...
While GitHub offers only Git as a version control system (VCS), Visual Studio Team Services offers decentralized Git by default and centralized TFVC as an alternative. These two VCSes work quite differently and require different IDE tooling. Fortunately, the Team Explorer window was specifically des...
githubgitgitlabbest-practicesbitbucketcommit-conventionsteamworkcommitcommit-messagegit-commitbest-practice UpdatedJun 12, 2022 nitayneeman/vscode-git-semantic-commit Star77 Code Issues Pull requests 💬 A Visual Studio Code extension which enables to commit simply by the semantic message conventions ...