git commit 报错 提示信息为 “Invalid syntax in configuration ini file.” 解决办法: 方法一:使用-n or --no-verify参数: git commit -m "commit without verify" -n 方法二(推荐,成功commit): 找到项目中的.git目录,里面有一个 hook 文件夹,将这个文件夹删掉就可以 commit了...
# 需要同时安装commitizen和cz-conventional-changelog,后者是adapter $ npm install -g commitizen cz-conventional-changelog # 配置安装的adapter $ echo '{ "path": "cz-conventional-changelog" }' > ~/.czrc # 使用 $ git cz 本地项目安装: # 安装commitizen $ npm install --save-dev commitizen # 接...
The Git CLI and the git log command provide many arguments that you can use to view information about your commits and files. However, it's often easier to use Visual Studio Code to view the commit history for a file.In the Visual Studio Code Explorer pane, you can select and hold (...
The last really useful option to pass togit logas a filter is a path. If you specify a directory or file name, you can limit the log output to commits that introduced a change to those files. This is always the last option and is generally preceded by double dashes (--) to separate ...
git log<last_release_commit>HEAD--grep feat 可以直接从 Commit 生成 Change Log。 Change Log 是发布新版本时,用来说明与上一个版本差异的文档。规范的 Commit Message 可以使用一些工具和服务(如GitHub、GitLab)自动生成 CHANGELOG 文档。 便于代码审查。
The Git CLI and the git log command provide many arguments that you can use to view information about your commits and files. However, it's often easier to use Visual Studio Code to view the commit history for a file.In the Visual Studio Code Explorer pane, you can select and hold (...
Please make sure all processes are terminated then try again. If it still fails, a git process may have crashed in this repository earlier: remove the file manually to continue. Pull operation failed. 翻译:另一个git进程似乎正在这个存储库中运行,例如 由“git commit”打开的编辑器。请确保所有流程...
FN—File Names What is it? This is a tiny library to generate file names. It will give you unique file names based on current git commit, as well as the time and date. Whenfnis called from the terminal, the file names look like this: ...
conventional-changelog / commitlint Star 17.2k Code Issues Pull requests 📓 Lint commit messages lint git conventions commit Updated Feb 18, 2025 TypeScript pomber / git-history Sponsor Star 13.6k Code Issues Pull requests Quickly browse the history of a file from any git repository ...
在日常的开发工作中,我们通常使用 git 来管理代码,当我们对代码进行某项改动后,都可以通过 git commit 来对代码进行提交。 git 规定提交时必须要写提交信息,作为改动说明,保存在 commit 历史中,方便回溯。规范的 log 不仅有助于他人 review, 还可以有效的输出 CHANGELOG,甚至对于项目的研发质量都有很大的提升。