Just create a new JSON file with this content and start to edit: { "$schema": "https://bendera.github.io/vscode-commit-message-editor/schemas/config-v1.schema.json" } Structure of the portable configuration file configVersion Currently: "1". It might change in the future. staticTemplate...
In the past I was able to issue a commit with no messages and code would open the COMMIT_EDITMSG file for me to edit. On closing the file the commit would be performed. This has stopped working. Now if I issue a commit with no message I get the error :Git: Bad Status code: 500...
% git commit --amend --message='delte file to update commit msg' 修改历史提交的 commit 信息 操作步骤: git rebase -i HEAD~3 找到需要修改的 commit 记录,把 pick 修改为 edit 或 e,:wq 保存退出 修改commit 的具体信息git commit --amend,修改commit信息,保存并继续下一条git rebase --continue,直...
hook 新增hook 勾子命令,项目中使用 commit-msg 勾子来校验 commit message 是否符合规范:npx husky add .husky/commit-msg "npx --no-install commitlint --edit $1" 运行上面命令后,将自动在 .husky 文件夹下面新增对应的勾子文件,如下 如果运行完新增勾子函数如果出现如下消息 可以先执行npx husky add .hu...
例如使用于的项目管理系统的唯一ID,在commit message中可以填写影响的jira_id,若要开启该功能需要先打通jira与gitlab。 四、Vscode 集成 首先需要去 Vscode 插件市场搜索 git-commit-plugin 并且进行安装。安装完之后可以使用组合键 Command + Shift + P 呼出 指令行,并键入指令 show git commit template 或者点击 ...
Indicates if the comment is truncated from the full Git commit comment message. commitId ID (SHA-1) of the commit. committer Committer of the commit. commitTooManyChanges Indicates that commit contains too many changes to be displayed parents An enumeration of the parent commit IDs for this co...
IVsCodeShareHandler IVsCombinedBrowseComponentSet IVsCommandArgInfo IVsCommandWindow IVsCommandWindow2 IVsCommandWindowsCollection IVsCommentTaskInfo IVsCommentTaskToken IVsCommonMessagePump IVsCommonMessagePumpClientEvents IVsCommonMessagePumpFactory IVsComponentEnumeratorFactory IVsComponentEnumeratorFactory2 IVsCompo...
GitConflictEditEdit GitConflictFileDirectory GitConflictRename1to2 GitConflictRename2to1 GitConflictRenameAdd GitConflictRenameDelete GitConflictRenameRename GitConflictType GitConflictUpdateResult GitConflictUpdateStatus GitDeletedRepository GitFilePathsCollection GitForkOperationStatusDetail GitForkRef GitForkSyncReq...
GitConflictEditEdit GitConflictFileDirectory GitConflictRename1to2 GitConflictRename2to1 GitConflictRenameAdd GitConflictRenameDelete GitConflictRenameRename GitConflictType GitConflictUpdateResult GitConflictUpdateStatus GitDeletedRepository GitFilePathsCollection GitForkOperationStatusDetail GitForkRef GitForkSyncReq...
Git Commit Message 格式规范 本贴最后更新于2694天前,其中的信息可能已经东海扬尘 <type>(<scope>): <subject>// 空一行// 空一行