The commandgit commit -afirst looks at your working tree, notices that you have modified hello.c and removed goodbye.c, and performs necessarygit addandgit rmfor you. After staging changes to many files, you can alter the order the changes are recorded in, by giving pathnames togit commit...
$ git commit-m'第一次版本提交'[master(root-commit)d32cf1f]第一次版本提交2files changed,4insertions(+)create mode100644README create mode100644hello.php 现在我们已经记录了快照。如果我们再执行 git status: $ git status# On branch masternothing to commit(working directory clean) 以上输出说明我们...
The simplest way to commit is to use the-mflag along with the git commit command. We need to add a message to describe the commit. $ git commit -m “Message about the commit” We can just use the git commit without the-mflag but this opens the default text editor where you can en...
git rebase -i <commithash code> 1. 参数后面的commit hash code为需要修改的commit的前一个。执行之后就会出现如下类似的信息: 复制 pick 137cf0aFirstcoommitpick 163dc38Secondcommit# Rebase f9aee6e..163dc38 onto f9aee6e (2 command(s))## Commands:# p, pick = usecommit# r, reword = useco...
我们在工作中可能会遇到这么一种情况,使用git add .直接将工作区的所有修改的文件加入到暂存区了,但是后面发现有一个文件先不要加进去,此时我们就可以使用如下命令就可以将该文件退回到工作区中。 复制 git rm--cached <file> 1. stash 有这么一种情况,当你正在开发中时,有一个线上的紧急bug需要修复,此时开发...
git add —— 添加文件至待修改状态 通过git add 添加文件至待提交的状态( changes to be committed )。git add 主要有两个功能: a.将未被 git 追踪记录( untracked )的文件"加入" git 仓库的记录中; b.将处于 changes not staged for commit 状态下的文件的修改添加至需要进行提交的状态( staged )。这...
# x, exec <command> = run command (the rest of the line) using shell # b, break = stop here (continue rebase later with 'git rebase --continue') # d, drop <commit> = remove commit ... 这个编辑界面的最顶部,列出了将要被 rebase 的所有 commit s,也就是倒数第二个 commit “第 N-...
2)Local Repository--- This is inside our system. When we first time make COMMIT command then this Local Repository is created. in the same place where is our Working directory , Checkit ( .git ) file get created. After that when ever we do commit , this will store the changes we mak...
git-add[1] pour la description de ces modes. L’option --dry-run peut être utilisée pour obtenir un résumé de ce qui sera inclus par une des commandes ci-dessus pour la prochaine validation en fournissant le même jeu de paramètres (options et chemins)....
# x, exec <command> = run command (the rest of the line) using shell # b, break = stop here (continue rebase later with 'git rebase --continue') # d, drop <commit> = remove commit ... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.