When you're ready to push your changes to GitHub, use the push --force command to force push over the old commit. git push --force origin EXAMPLE-BRANCH For more information on interactive rebase, see "Interactive mode" in the Git manual. ...
情况3:Changes to be committed 这行下面显示了已暂存状态的文件。说明通过git add我们将文件放到了暂存区了,如果要使仓库中的文件进行更新还需要提交,使用"git commit -m "修改文件的commit备注、注释"”就可以进行提交,放到发送头,但是还需要进行发送才能更新到仓库中,接下来按照上面【建立和上传项目】的【step3-...
A small javascript plugin that allows to edit HTML web pages directly from the browser at specific place with live preview and commit the changes to github. It uses internally: Ace Editor - awesome code editor. Github - a higher-level wrapper around the Github API. Font Awesome - The iconic...
可以用git rm命令完成此项工作,并连带从工作目录中删除指定的文件,这样以后就不会出现在未跟踪文件清单中了。 如果只是简单地从工作目录中手工删除文件,运行git status时就会在 “Changes not staged for commit” 部分(也就是 未暂存清单)看到: 然后再运行git rm记录此次移除文件的操作: 下一次提交时,该文件就不...
Watch a file or folder and automatically commit changes to a git repo easily. - gitwatch/gitwatch
只要在Changes to be committed这行下面的,就说明是已暂存状态。 如果此时提交,那么该文件在你运行git add时的版本将被留存在后续的历史记录中。git add命令使用文件或目录的路径作为参数;如果参数是目录的路径,该命令将递归地跟踪该目录下的所有文件。
GitHub Docs Version:Free, Pro, & Team Search GitHub Docs Sign up Home Pull requests Create & edit commits Pull requests/ Commit changes to your project/ Create & edit commits/ You can create commits on behalf of an organization by adding a trailer to the commit's message. Commits attributed...
you should add the files you want to commit git add basics.rb and then commit git commit -m "your message" then stash changes git stash change branch git checkout -b new_branch Unstash changes git stash pop and commit all changes in your new branch git commit -am "...
Sync- syncing is like pulling, but instead of connecting to your GitHub copy of the forked repo, it goes back to the original repository and brings in any changes. Once you've synced your repository, you need to push those changes back to your GitHub account. ...
只要在Changes to be committed这行下面的,就说明是已暂存状态。 如果此时提交,那么该文件在你运行git add时的版本将被留存在后续的历史记录中。git add命令使用文件或目录的路径作为参数;如果参数是目录的路径,该命令将递归地跟踪该目录下的所有文件。