Impacted users on Sunday flocked to Twitter to notify Hulu’s support account, citing a variety of error messages from “rights restrictions” to “no content available.” Hulu says only a “small percentage” of users were affected, though it did not specify exactly how many and which markets...
Used to take the family to Hardees but after a few weeks of oversaturation of those Tex-mex commercials on Hulu, never again. Trying to watch tv with my wife and daughters with this kind of low-brow "sex sells" technique in our faces makes me want to take your company president out an...
(Maybe not) Just search “hulu volume” on social media and you’ll see their excessively loud ads have been a problem for years. Their customer service refuses to help with it. Personally, I think it’s an intentional nuisance to get people to subscribe to the ad-free option. Reply ...
More recently, Wells Fargo has been running a campaign that features Steve Martin and Martin Show, with commercials that appear to turn up frequently during the new cyucle of Hulu’s “Only Murders in the Building,” in which the two actors star. But the ads would seem to make the most...