In some cases, settlements in trucking accident cases can be in the tens of thousands of dollars, while in others they can reach into the millions. It is important to speak with an experienced injury attorney to get a better understanding of the potential settlement range in your specific ...
You can also seek damages if your truck accident injuries are severe and the doctor bills are piling up out of control. Since it is likely that your insurance company will try to claim any settlement money received from filing an injury claim against them, you should not be hesitant to ...
Personal Injury Lawyers Probate, Trust, & Estate Planning Product Liability Sexual Assault Truck Accident Lawyers Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Wrongful Death Lawyers Free Case Evaluation Our Team Michael S. Burg Shareholder Peter W. Burg Shareholder ...
Commercial Litigation Personal Injury FREE CONSULTATION $17 Billion The State of Texas Tobacco Litigation: Compensation for smoking-related illnesses. At the time, it was the single largest civil litigation settlement in history. $3 Billion British Petroleum Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Nix ...
Commercial Litigation Personal Injury FREE CONSULTATION $17 Billion The State of Texas Tobacco Litigation: Compensation for smoking-related illnesses. At the time, it was the single largest civil litigation settlement in history. $3 Billion British Petroleum Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Nix ...
Commercial truck insurance refers to a series of auto insurance policies used by trucking businesses, companies that use trucks, or independent truck drivers. The purpose of this insurance is to provide financial and legal protection from bodily injury and property damage, as well as to provide cov...
Payroll’s BP claim remained a commercial tort claim in March 2017 when the IRS filed its tax lien notice. The settlement agreement did not automatically convert the tort claim into a contract, as it did not create an automatic obligation for BP to pay Payroll a certain amount. Therefore, ...
Sizable awards lead to more sizable settlement offers as insurers get nervous. Ruke said a crash that once would merit a $100,000 settlement offer now brings $300,000. Ruke said technology can bring some protection for truck owners at a relatively small cost. He said event recorder...
An elderly pedestrian in excess of 70 years old was standing on a sidewalk with his wife when he was struck by a car. The car had been rear ended by a truck that was following too closely. Our client suffered a catastrophic brain injury and required 24-hour attendant care. The case pro...
I called Burg Simpson, they explained how I could get through this process, the settlement I would possibly be looking... -Jacob G. We were very pleased with the outcome of our case. Burg Simpson Law Firm We understand that when you are... ...