Diversity In Motivations and Behavioral Response to Regulations in the Striped Bass Commercial FisheryIt is evident that fishery stakeholder groups are not homogenous, and that inter‐ and intra‐group variation can exist in the form of unique perspectives, motivations for fishery participation, and ...
AQISCode: BLS Bailer or Baler shellsare large marine molluscs (sea snails) and they can reach sizes over 40cm in length. The shells of balers have attractive patterns. However, even more striking is the brown slug-like foot, which has intricate patterns of white lines. ...
The market for striped bass (Morone saxatilis) has greatly increased in the USA. In the present article the author reviews various aspects of the production and marketing of this fish, including factors affecting stocking density and periodicity of stocking. Factors which distinguish culture of M. ...
Mass. weighs commercial striped bass fishing banJAY LINDSAY
Commercial production and marketing: striped bass fingerlingsNeils, K E
The Recent Hatching of Striped Bass and Possibilities with other Commercial Speciesdoi:10.1577/1548-8659(1904)34[223:TRHOSB]2.0.CO;2WorthS. G.Taylor & Francis GroupTransactions of the American Fisheries Society
Economic activity analysis estimates how much economic activity striped bass fishing creates, in terms of dollar volume of goods and services as well as employment. The analysis is based on three scenarios: activity associated with the current level of landings, activity implied by the high level ...
The ability to predict subsequent landings of striped bass Morone saxatilis from the indices of abundance of juveniles (young of the year) determined annually by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources was evaluated by multiple-regression techniques. About 57% of the variation in reported ...
This report was adapted from a study on the same topic covering the entire Atlantic Coast -- The Economics of Recreational and Commercial Striped Bass Fishing, March, 2005 -- prepared on behalf of Stripers Forever by Rob Southwick of Southwick Associates, Inc. Valuable assistance was provided by...
P. 1985. Relationship between reported commercial landings and abundance of young striped bass in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 114(1):92-96.Goodyear, C. P., 1985.Relationship between reported commercial landings and abundance of young striped bass in Chesapeake Bay, ...