The company run by Bubbles, Ricky, and Julian is planning a $1 million issue of commercial paper to finance increased sales from easing the credit policy. The commercial paper note has a 60-day maturi Leiner Corp. is a...
Commercial paper is an unsecured, short-term debt instrument issued by financial companies and large corporations. It’s typically used to finance short-term liabilities such as payroll, accounts payable, and inventories. 商业票据,是由金融机构与大公司发行的一种无担保的短期债务工具.它通常用于为短期债...
One hundred basis points equal 1 percent. Commercial paper is sold on a discount basis. Almost half of commercial paper is issued directly, with most of the direct paper being issued by finance companies. Approxi ...Springer USEncyclopedia of Finance...
Commercial paper is issued at face value, meaning a debt instrument has a value to it often in denominations of $100,000.2Instead of paying interest, commercial paper is instead often issued at a discount, or a price that less than face value. When the commercial paper reaches maturity, the...
Types of Issuers: Commercial paper is issued by large corporations with strong credit ratings as short-term debt to fund their short-term working capital needs. Term: The typical CP term is ~270 days, and the debt is issued at a discount (i.e. zero-coupon bond) as an unsecured promissor...
Commercial paper issued by a company to a dealer, who in turn sells the paper to investors. Commercial paper is a short-term debt security. Dealer paper describes one way a company may issue it. This method generally excludes small investors because there is a large minimum investment, often...
Commercial paper is short-term unsecured corporate debt with maturity up to 270 days. Commercial paper can only be issued by a large organisation with good credit ratings, normally to fund short-term expenditure. 以上就是小编为大家整理的Commercial paper_ACCA考试FM知识点了,希望大家能够认真学习,倒计...
Asset-backed commerical paper short-term investment vehicle commonly used by large corporations to raise capital to pay for their short-term liabilities.
With respect to the use of commercial paper by an industrial firm, which one of the following statements is most likely to be true?A. The commercial paper is issued through a bank. B. The commercial paper has a maturity of 60-270 days. C. The commercial paper is secured by the issuer...
在金融市场上,一些信用良好的大型公司的票据的发行成本低于银行贷款,因此,企业具有利用商业票据作为其融资手段的需求 The commercial bill is the credit bill which distributes by the enterprise.In the money market, some credit good large-scale company's bill cost of capital is lower than the bank loan...