Today, the government continues this commitment to world trade with numerous treaties, including the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, and strategies to continue reforms to legislation and bureaucracy. In the last few years, Viet...
It draws on a detailed empirical study about entrepreneurs to show that commercial regulation in Vietnam is polycentric and that state, hybrid and non-state actors variously compete and collaborate with each other to order the regulatory space. What we conventionally recognize as the "rule of law...
H. (2022). Female rural–urban migrants and online marketplaces in emerging economies: Evidence from Thailand and Vietnam. Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 9(3), 317–342. Article Google Scholar Nirino, N., Santoro, G., Miglietta, N., & Quaglia, ...
See e.g., Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (“CETA”) arts 8.27 and 8.28 (establishing Investment Court System composed of a first instance Tribunal and an Appellate Tribunal); EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement arts 3.38 and 3.39 (establishing Investment Tribunal System composed of...
taxpayers spent two decades funding “aquaculture” projects in Vietnam, India, Ecuador and Indonesia, countries that now supply the overwhelming majority of shrimp to U.S. consumers. “There’s a law on the books that requires the United States, their directors that are at these international ...
CCCCommand and Control Central(Vietnam, MACV-SOG; US DoD) CCCCalifornia Commissioning Collaborative(California) CCCCriteria Continuous Concentration(water quality) CCCCountryside Christian Church CCCCeramic Chip Carrier CCCCookeville Camera Club(Cookeville, TN) ...
Visit us: TOC Europe, Netherland – Booth C96 / 11th Asien Ports and Shipping, -cranes.comVietnam – Booth 19 / 2nd Black Sea Ports and Shipping, Turky – Booth 47 plastics for longer life® Austria Belgium Brazil Canada China Denmark +43-7675-40 05-0 +32-16-314431 +55-11-35314487...
GoverningScopeoftheCommercialLaw TheCommercialCodeshallgoverncommercialacts,establishthelegalstatusofbusinessentitiesandprovidesforprinciplesandstandardsincommercialactivitiesintheSocialistRepublicofVietnam. Article2 ApplicabilityoftheCommercial Law 1. The Commercial Law shall apply to business entities conducting commer...
Lin F-T, Wu H-Y, Tran TNN (2015) Internet banking adoption in a developing country: an empirical study in Vietnam. Inf Syst E-bus Manag 13(2):267–287 Article Google Scholar Linck K, Pousttchi K, Wiedemann DG (2006) Security issues in mobile payment from the customer viewpoint. ...
Tong KT, Vinai R, Soutsos MN (2018) Use of Vietnamese rice husk ash for the production of sodium silicate as the activator for alkali-activated binders. J Clean Prod 201:272–286 ArticleCASGoogle Scholar Guo S, Wu Y, Jia Z, Qi X, Wang W (2023) Sodium-based activators in alkali-...