Close to Princes St + Johnnie Walker Experience Up to 60 Covers (with conservatory) c.1,800 sq ft Very Well Equipped Commercial Kitchen Full Premises Licence/Annual Revenue c.£600,000 + Rent c.£43,000k p.a./Residue of 15 year lease ...
( 363) Belfast, Nov. 20. WILSON & FLANAGAN, Coach- Makers, Fountain- street, Belfast, BEG leave to return their Sincere Thanks to their Friends and the Public in general for the kind sup- port they have experienced since their commencement in business. At present inform them, thev have ...
an extensive Set of capital white Ivory handled Knives and Forks, the Kitchen Requisites, and other valuable Articles. j May be viewed on Wednesday next, the 29th instant, I when catalogues may be had on the Premises, and of T A Y L O R and PIFNINGTON, Church- street. The ...
But, at a small cost they were exceedingly well adapted to the purpose: being light, well ventilated, clean, and cheerful. They consisted of three large rooms. That on the basement story was the kitchen; that on the ground floor was the general dining-room; that on the floor above was ...