industry- the people or companies engaged in a particular kind of commercial enterprise; "each industry has its own trade publications" Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. ...
Ecomotus, a UK company, has developed a hydrogen electrolyzer that enables diesel engines to burn fuel thoroughly and cleanly. They have equipped almost 40 boats—more than 20 fishing boats.听这篇文章 3 分钟 Jason and Kirstyn Munro founded Ecomotus fifteen years ago with the aim of helping ...
The recent expansion of the longline commercial fishery has heightened the conflicts among various fisheries in Hawaii, especially between long-liners and other commercial fishing boats (troll and handline) and recreational boats. A recent court ruling against longline fishing in some waters around the...
This Gamewright game is a sort of hybrid of a fishing game and a quartet game, with some extra features. It is based around the theme of collecting the ingredients for spells. The pack consists of 44 ingredients cards, 4 witches, 2 princes, 2 maidens, a black cat, a "witch wash" an...
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Commercial Capital capital functioning in the sphere of commodity circulation; a distinctive part of industrial capital acting at the stage of reali...
“friendly/safe” tuna, and the UK’s Sea fish Responsible Fishing Programme are among the programs examined. The advantages of certification programs for suppliers and other companies in the supply chain are directly related to concerns of consumer demand. When presented with two samples of the ...
Sailing Around 500 visiting yachts a year call at Lerwick, with many of the crews from the UK, Scandinavia, the Continent and further a-field exploring Shetland's 1,700 miles of spectacular coastline. Find Out More Bulletins As part of Lerwick Port Authority's ongoing marketing strategy, perio...
Lerwick Harbour, with modern, versatile facilities for a wide variety of users, is the principal commercial port for Shetland and a key component in the islands’ economy.
Many companies are under enormous and ongoing pressures to reduce costs. A corporate fleet consumes a very large percentage of a company's operating budget and it is a tempting target for cost-cutting programs. A corporate fleel is always open to scrutiny and it is sometimes called upon to ...
Boston Deep Sea Fishing and Ice Co Ltd v Farnham [1957] 1 WLR 1051 A trawler owned by a French company was at an English port when France became occupied by enemy forces during war. The English company carried on trade by using the trawler during the war period, purporting to act as ...