The unit of analysis was SMEs and the accountants in SMEs were selected as the target participants of this study. In two waves of data collecting for this investigation, a convenience sampling was used. When the most stringent lockout and limiting limitations were in place, the first wave of ...
A current list of areas with high hospitalizations will be maintained at Furthermore, every hospital that is licensed under Chapter 241 of the Texas Health and Safety Code shall reserve at least 10 percent of its hospital capacity for treatment of COVID-19 patients...
I️ was the only one inside when I️ ordered - although there were about 3-4 cars in outside drive-thru line. Finally got my coffee 20 minutes later. They clearly prioritize the drive-thru. They must have served 15 cups before I️ got mine. By the time I️ left there were ...
Sampaio, A.; Savelsbergh, M.; Veelenturf, L.; van Woensel, T.Crowd-Based City Logistics. s.l.; SCL Report Series; 17-02; Georgia Institute of Technology: Atlanta, GA, USA, 2017; pp. 1–14. Available online: