Brian Grinnell,CFTPG,Comments From The Peanut Gallery,Conquer BJJ,featured,Features,Podcast,podcasts,sports PODCAST: Comments From The Peanut Gallery #31: Salina Rowland In a groundbreaking fashion, CFTPG welcomes Salina Rowland not only to the podcast, but to the CFTPG team as well.… ...
What goes through my my mind when I read the news with my morning coffee. ...Or for the Simon's Rockers in the group, this is my response journal.
Comments from the Peanut GalleryThe Art Newspaper
Climate Adam: Is it Game Over for the 1.5 Degree Climate Limit? From “The world is set to blow past its goal to limit warming to 1.5 degrees C, new research shows. “Last year was the first to measure roughly 1.5 degrees warmer than the preindustrial era, though the world...
Here are the essential parts, from top to bottom. Part #1: The Friendly Greeting The first thing I look for is personalization. This is so easy, all it takes is to just include the name of the author.Adam Connell Let’s go back to our dating analogy… ...
Scott:Good poem from a great Poet. I especially like:“As we come to recognise Ourselves to be Mere receptacles.”I often pray for the Holy Spirit to fill me; a mere vessel.~ Richard ~Nivedita Yohana on New Poem – whenever you can conjure…...
The history of Japanese sipunculan taxonomy is briefly reviewed here. Some possible examples of cryptic speciation are also given for sipunculans with wide geographic distribution and records far from Japanese waters, as strongly suggested by recent molecular phylogenetic analyses: these include Japanese ...