A. Wichmann, The definition of comments in programming languages, Software — Practice and Experience , 1974, 4 , pp. 1812–188R. S. Scowen and B. A. Wichmann, The Definition of Comments in Programming Languages, NPL NAC Report No. 34, 1973....
In this post, you’ll learn about the definition of C# comments, followed by common justifications for their usage. Then we’ll proceed to show you the different possible types of C# comments and how to use them in practice. Let’s get started. C# Comments: The “What” C# comments (or...
Comments should be made at the same indent as the code they are commenting. That is, a class definition with no indentation would have a comment with no indentation, and each indentation level following would have comments that are aligned with the code it is commenting. For example, here is...
Note that although the module’s docstring must be the first string to appear in the module, it should come after any magic comments, such as the shebang line or encoding definition 1. Later, you can retrieve the docstring for a module, class, function, or method by checking the ...
If you slip one of these bad boys right after a function definition, then what you intended to be a comment will become associated with that object. Be careful where you use these, and when in doubt, just put a hash mark on each subsequent line. If you’re interested in learning more...
Some short comments on the definition and the documentation of the ADA programming language This paper presents a model for a network of communicating processes. We extend well known ideas in sequential programming such as procedures, parameter passing and binding, and recursion to distributed programs...
// Check if bean definition exists in this factory. BeanFactory parentBeanFactory = getParentBeanFactory(); if (parentBeanFactory != null && !containsBeanDefinition(beanName)) { // Not found -> check parent. String nameToLookup = originalBeanName(name); ...
... That idea of the self—the one that controls the memoir—is almost always served through a single piece of awareness that clarifies only slowly in the writer, gaining strength and definition as the narrative progresses." "A controlling idea of the self, produced from a single piece of ...
run anywhere" -- such that any Java applet or application will run the same on any implementation. This may include assertions in the doc comments plus those in any architectural and functional specifications (usually written in FrameMaker) or in any other document. This definition is a lofty ...
havethesoftware”.Sourcecodeis,infact,theultimatedefinitionofsoftware:Anorderedcollectionof instructionsintendedforacomputingdevice,inaformunderstandablebythecomputingdevice,butalso,ina formunderstandablebytheissuersofthoseinstructions(read:programmers). Softwaremustbeunderstoodbythecomputerinordertoperformitsfunction.But...