karthiknadig changed the title vscode crush VS code crashes when commenting/uncommenting indented code Jun 30, 2022 karthiknadig changed the title VS code crashes when commenting/uncommenting indented code VS Code crashes when commenting/uncommenting indented code Jun 30, 2022 karthiknadig self-ass...
"engines": { "vscode": "Your VS Code version" }, In the package.json file, notice how the main entry point of your extension is a file named extension.js file, located in the out directory, even though this is a TypeScript project. This is because the TypeScript code is compiled to...
The above code centers a string message in a Form's OnPaint method. Let's comment out the portion that calculates the string position.Highlight the following lines: SizeF msgSize = g.MeasureString(message, this.Font);x = (Single)(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2) - (...
Walkthrough: Getting a List of Installed Code Snippets (Legacy Implementation) Legacy Language Service Features1 Legacy Language Service Features1 Brace Matching in a Legacy Language Service Commenting Code in a Legacy Language Service Custom Document Properties in ...
[Tip: C# commenting]Comment in C# for VS there are three types of commenting syntax in C#:multiline, single line, and XML. XML Documentation Comments In addition to providing code commenting, an XML documentation comment supports tools that extract comments into an external XML document. This ...
due to the comment toggling code skipping whitespace indentation https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/blob/main/src/vs/editor/contrib/comment/browser/lineCommentCommand.ts Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment ...
In addition, the EnableCommenting registry entry must be set to 1 by the language service to indicate support for commenting code. This entry is accessed through the EnableCommenting property of the LanguagePreferences class. The EnableCommenting registry entry can be initialized with a named ...
In case you need answers to common questions or need assisted support, be sure to use https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/support/. We’ll keep you posted on any updates to this feedback. 0 Feb 10, 2020 3:53 PM Microsoft Resolution - Feedback Bot Closed - Lower Priority...
If you follow the guidelines discussed in Using a Naming Convention and Structuring and Formatting Your Code, you are using a naming convention that identifies objects, variables, constants, and procedures, and you are using a prefix to indicate each variable's data type and scope. In addition ...
As you can see in the above example, the inline comment comes after the code but does not carry over to the next line. A quick note about inline or trailing comments – it is always best to avoid using this type of comment unless it is absolutely necessary, as they can make your code...