ii. 属灵恩赐是按照圣灵的斟酌赐给人的。哥林多前书12:11说,这一切都是这位圣灵所运行,随己意分给各人的。 iii. 懂得这一点,就仿佛竖起一道不可逾越的拦阻,应当阻挡住运用属灵恩赐的骄傲。然而,人却因为内心的败坏,在属灵恩赐上找到骄傲的借口,顽固地高举人,说上帝赐给他们何等大的恩赐。 b.或说预言:说预...
Romans 12 PLUS PREVIOUSRomans 11NEXTRomans 13 9-13. Let love be without dissimulation.Not a deceitful profession of love, but genuine; not like that of Judas to Christ,or Joab to Abner:a kiss and a stab.Abhor that which is evil.Evil must be repulsive to the saint; good, on the othe...
Professor Beard’s commentary, written in a highly entertaining style, is part of a BBC series called “Meet the Romans.” April 23, 2012 NPR Report on the Bible and Economic Systems Read or listen to this National Public Radio report on how both conservatives and liberals appeal to the ...
And in Romans, chapter8, he says that, through the flesh, the law is weakened. He saysthis, not of unchastity, but of all sins, most of all of unbelief,which is the most spiritual of vices.On the other hand, you should know enough to call that person"spiritual"who is occupied ...
17. While in Strasbourg, Calvin produced an influential commentary on the Book of Romans, oversaw the preparation of a liturgy and a psalm book that he would use later in Geneva, and married the widow Idelette de Bure. 虽然在斯特拉斯堡,制作一个卡尔文有影响力的评注书罗马,负责编制礼仪和诗篇书...
20.Try to preview any Bible commentary before purchasing it.Google books has many books available that can be viewed for free, including my Bible commentary on Romans and my Bible commentary on First Corinthians.You might be able to find an excerpt of the book you are studying on-line, or...
Romans: A Commentary. By Robert Jewett. Hermeneia. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2007, lxx + 1140 pp.,...Moo, Douglas JJournal of the Evangelical Theological SocietyJewett, R. 2007. Romans: A Commentary. Hermeneia. Minneapolis: Fo...
Luke 12:14 And he said unto him, Man, who made me a judge or a divider over you? (14)Man, who made me a judge . . .?—This is the only instance of our Lord’s so addressing one who had come to Him as a questioner. As inRomans 2:1;Romans 2:3, the form, “O man,”...
Either through a particular futurist reading of Romans 11:26 or a more generalized postmillennial eschatology, many Reformed Christians came to believe that God will ultimately convert and save the Jewish people. This does not necessitate believing the Jews somehow have a “special” role in God’...
They therefore add, that these locusts, or chafers, or the palmer worms, were the Assyrians, as well as the Persian and the Greeks, that is, Alexander of Macedon and the Romans: but this is wholly a strained views so that there is no need of a long argument; for any one may ...