into which the people of God are to enter after all their works, Heb. 4. This is a common element to Jehovah and Israel on the ground of the covenant. As the Sabbaths of Jehovah are to be hallowed
and Heb. 11 illustrates, crowned by the beginning of Heb. 12. The superior dignity of the Father of our spirits over the fathers of our flesh is evident; but not more so than the unfailing character
Illustrative of this fact was God’s recent judgment on Israel for her involvement in the idolatry of the Baal of Peor (v. 3; Num 25:1-9); for those who proved faithful in that temptation were spared the plague of death (Deut 4:4). Understandably, then, obedience to God’s law is...
2 A critical edition of Gersonides’ Commentary on Song of Songs appeared as Rabbi Levi ben Gershom, Commentary on Song of Songs [Heb.], ed. Menachem Kellner (Ramat Gan, Israel: Bar Ilan University Press, 2003). An English translation was published as Levi ben Gershom, Commentary on Song...
(Gal 4 4), that this promise might be fulfilled. It is a great encouragement to sinners that their Saviouris the seed of the woman, bone of our bone,Heb 2 11, 14. Man is therefore sinful and unclean, because he isborn of a woman(Job 25 4), and thereforehis days are full of ...
2 Be ready in the morning to climb up Mount Sinai and present yourself to me on the top of the mountain. 3 No one else may come with you. In fact, no one is to appear anywhere on the mountain. Do not even let the flocks or herds graze near the mountain.” 4 So Moses chiseled...
9 and 12 when God instructs Moses to throw Aaron’s staff on the ground for it to become a serpent. This differs from the word used in Exodus 4 when God instructs Moses to throw his staff on the ground for the first time where it turns into anahash.One finds that a serpent and ...
They knew and understood that the coming of Christ represented the supreme and final revelation of God (Heb 1:1-2; John 1:18; etc.). Consequently, they preached on the premise that all of God’s revelation has to be explained from the perspective of its fulfillment in Christ. Thus ‘...
12fenced. 13Amalek dwells. 14out. of statures. 16[DR. LANGEinserts in the Scripture textin loc.the meanings of the names, Num 13:4 sqq. For convenience they are added here. Shammua=announcement, message. Zaccur=a male. Shaphat=judge. Hori=elder and prince. Caleb=one who...
Isa. 53:12. Blood has a voice (Gen. 4:10); and therefore blood is so often mentioned, because it was to speak, Heb. 12:24. It is called the blood of the New Testament; for the covenant of grace became a testament, and of force by the death of Christ, the testator, Heb. 9:...