Penuel.—SeeGenesis 32:30-31;Judges 8:8;Judges 8:17. It lay on or near the Jabbok, on the other side of Jordan, commanding the road from the east by Succoth to the fords of Jordan and Shechem. Jeroboam rebuilt it—perhaps out of the ruin in which it had been left by Gideon—as...
Genesis 3 The story of this chapter is perhaps as sad a story (all things considered) as any we have in all the Bible. In the foregoing chapters we have had the pleasant view of the holiness and happiness of our first parents, the grace and favour of God, and the peace and beauty ...
given you for repentance, like the years when “the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah” (Genesis 6:3;1Peter 3:20), or the time during which God bore with Canaan, “till the iniquity of the Amorite” was “full” (Genesis 15:16). ...
Perhaps we Christians ought to change the order of our Bible's contents, as Stanley suggests. WhenI recommend how others ought to read the Bible, I don't tell them to start with Genesis. Starting with Luke, who investigated the accounts would be a wonderful introduction to the Bible and t...
23 Comm on Acts (V1) John Calvin hath after a certain sort revealed it unto them, (Genesis 8:22.) The same opinion must we have of the prophets; for it was their office to know those things which God did reveal. But we must be ignorant of the secret events of things, as ...
–Genesis 15:6 (NASB) Abraham was considered righteous by God because of his faith, long before the Torah was given at Sinai and even before the commandment of circumcision as a sign of God’s covenant with Abraham. Thus it is faith that is the common denominator across all populations, ...
“Because you have kept My command to persevere,I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.” (Revelation 3:10) This verse could be literal interpretation – that Jesus will keep His Body of believers who are...
And Genesis, chapter 3, proclaims the enmitybetween the offspring of the woman and that of the serpent. Butgrace does do this much: that we are accounted completely justbefore God. God's grace is not divided into bits and pieces, asare the gifts, but grace takes us up completely into ...
Commentary on Genesis CH A PTER FIFTEEN OW, AT sunset a trance fell upon Abram, and, lo, a fearful gloom fell on him (v.12) . . . on contemplating them as though divine visions, Abram was frightened by a fear that becomes one who is perfect. Note, on the othe... NLDD John -...
she was of a great age:The expression is literally “she had advanced many days.” For the term “days” as a common biblical way to describe old age, see Genesis 5:4–5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, etc. had lived with an husband seven years:Evidently, Anna’s husband dies a mer...