. . . p. 201 iv Commentary on Acts - Volume 1 John Calvin Chapter 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 205 Acts 9:1-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
Lord on the cross commended His mother to St. John: “Beholdthymother,”“Behold thy son” (John 19:26-27); “and from that hour,” we are told, “that disciple took her unto his own home.” If the Uterine theory be right, she had at least four sons living at the time. “Is ...
Smith, Jay E. “1 Corinthians.” InThe Bible Knowledge Word Study: Acts–Ephesians, edited by Darrell L. Bock, 205–326. BKnS. Colorado Springs: Victor, 2006. This resource comments concisely on what significant words mean in their literary and historical-cultural contexts. Winter, Bruce W.Af...
Proverbs 6:1–5.STARKE:A teacher of the divine word becomes in a certain sense a surety to God for the souls of his hearers (Ezek. 3:18); therefore must he watch over them day and night, that none be lost through fault of his (Acts 20:28).—J.LANGE:In Christ our friend we h...
(put-on voice no longer used) Um... Yeah, this episode actually, uh, Kerry and I recorded a version of chapter 2 where we did all of the voices. Because we were trying to figure out the timing, how long like... Because we wrote the scripts, but we, y'know, we had no way ...
“reflections” on Romans series was an attempt to describe my impressions of this epistle as a complete unit, that is, a letter intended to be read all at once, rather than slicing and dicing it up into little sound bytes. The context of what Paul writes in the third chapter of this...
When it extends into adulthood it acts as a fly-paper for a host of other problems – dissociation being one high on the list. Children have a powerful ability to pay attention to their surroundings. Their “distraction” is a crucial part of developing sensory awareness and something we ...
What impact did Luke intend to make on his contemporaries as they read the story?While the intentions of these two scholars have much in common, the results of their research are quite distinct. Spencer moves quickly through each chapter of Acts, slowing only to note Luke's literary artistry...
“Because you have kept My command to persevere,I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.” (Revelation 3:10) This verse could be literal interpretation – that Jesus will keep His Body of believers who are...
Chapter 15 & 16 - A New Command + Paul And The Irresistible Ethic “Love others as God through Christ loved us.” The life of Jesus gives us the model on which we Christians are to mimic. His character, words, and actions are the example that reveals how we are to understand love. ...