approved by the ancient Fathers, agrees with the ancient Syriac and Arabic versions. There was no need therefore to change it into gracious, with Erasmus; into freely beloved, with Beza; into highly favoured, with the Protestant translators. For if seven deacons (Acts vi...
“For where I found truth, there found I my God, who is truth itself.” St. Augustine,Confessions Saint Joseph, Terror of Demons, Pray for Us The Time is Fulfilled A Christmas Missive “And do this because you know the time; it is the hour now for you to awake from sleep. For o...
Since I will be writing here about the genuinely heroic acts it took to save the economy on that day, I should mention that 74% of all civilian casualties were from the financial community. This represented not only wonderful people (I elect to think the best of them all) but of signific...