AASTOCKS.com Limited shall not be liable for any failure or delay in performance of its obligations under this Disclaimer because of circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including but without limitation, acts of God, typhoons, rainstorms, other natural disasters, government restrictions, strikes...
West Michigan readers of Local Spins unleashed a dizzying array of names when asked about the most overrated acts ever, from Michigan faves Bob Seger and Greta Van Fleet to legends such as David Bowie and Led Zeppelin. Read their responses here, then check out our new Question of the Week....
The Acts of Paul: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentarydoi:10.1111/rirt.12935ACTS of Paul: A New Translation With Introduction & Commentary, The (Book)PERVO, Richard I.CLARKE, JamesBIBLE. ActsBIBLICAL commentariesNONFICTIONLollar, Jacob A.Reviews in Religion & Theology...
How far the irony of Socrates goes is a matter of debate among scholars. The extreme is that the wholeApologyis an ironic pose and that Socrates is an atheist who doesn't believe in the god at Delphi, the Oracle, or this fairy tale he relates about being on a mission from the god. ...
Christian nations have the work of the Spirit in their midst so they have options. Christian nations can learn from the ethnic and racial peace the gospel created in the communities of the early church (eg, Ephesians 2, Acts 13, etc.). Christian nations have a way forward. Christian nation...
Facing external disruptions from the United States, China never overacts to worsen the situations but dedicates itself to implementing established policies with composure, expanding opening-up, advancing reform, optimizing the business environment and diversifying the overseas market, with a good intention...
He saw in such acts “the spirit of the Syrian peo The racist methods of Truthout's anti-imperialism Excellent article on much of the left’s racist style of “anti-imperialism” over Syria in particular. The title is unfortunate, as it is not only Truthout, and in fact Truthout also...
all the other horrendous acts they are reportedly responsible for. They brought destruction and death in Gaza. Yet, some blame Jews and Israel? Get real. Use your brains and stop falling for the propaganda play book material of terrorist and gaslighters. ...
Notes on Transcript Curly brackets {} are for things they said, while someone else was talking (if heard clearly enough). Horizontal lines are markers that mark 1-minute intervals, since the beginning of that episode. The commentary is continuous and is
When it extends into adulthood it acts as a fly-paper for a host of other problems – dissociation being one high on the list. Children have a powerful ability to pay attention to their surroundings. Their “distraction” is a crucial part of developing sensory awareness and something we ...