Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on (eagles) wings) and brought you unto myself) Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with (wings as eagles) they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall ...
” so now “Woe to ye rich: weep, bewailing”—literally,howling for your miseries coming upon you.Comp.Isaiah 13:6;Isaiah 14:31;Isaiah 15:3, where (in the LXX.) the same term is used;—a picture word, imitating the cry of anguish,—peculiar to this place in the New Testament. ...
but that which is able to make us wise unto our latter end (Proverbs 19:20). Few may be able, save in self-conceit, to say with Isaiah (Isaiah 50:4), “The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned;” and, on the ...
Visions of the future shrine also preoccupied Ezekiel's attention (Ezekiel 40-48), and specific guidelines are found there (chapter 44) regarding the role of priests and foreigners in the cultic worship to be reestablished. Other late prophecies in the Book of Isaiah reflected this issue and ...
And God’s promise in Isaiah 43:2, 5 (CEV):”When you cross deep rivers, I will be with you, and you won’t drown.”When you walk through fire, you won’t be burned or scorched by the flames. . . . Don’t be afraid! I am with you.” June 14, 2012 The Rise of the ...
Oxford Biblical Studies Online: Isaiah: Chapter 2 CommentaryOxford University Press
S. Kent Brown,Assessing Apocryphal Accounts of Isaiah’s Death in Hebrews(Introduction: Cecelia Peek) David Larsen,Detecting Jewish Sources Quoted in the New Testament Not Found in the Old Testament(Introduction: Eric Huntsman) Avram Shannon,Seeing the New Testament in Its Several Surrounding Cultural...
Says Isaiah: If You Know, You Know I was watching my sons, too, to see how they were feeling it. What was it like for them to be up close with some of the best female hoopers alive? Sue Bird was right in front of us, throwin’ behind-the-back passes. Sue’s a bonafide Seat...
(Isaiah 40:12). d. God created the heavens and the earth: If God created the heavens and the earth, then we must forever put away the idea that anything happens by chance. “Chance” merely describes the statistical probability of something happening. Chance itself can neither do or ...
Since each of the four New Testament Gospels contains an account of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, it is perplexing that they receive so little attention in discussions of the Atonement: thinkers both ancient and modern are more likely to turn to Leviticus, Isaiah, or Paul’s letter...