Tom Roberts,Taking a Theological Spin through the Epistle to the Hebrews(Introduction: Camille Fronk Olson) S. Kent Brown,Assessing Apocryphal Accounts of Isaiah’s Death in Hebrews(Introduction: Cecelia Peek) David Larsen,Detecting Jewish Sources Quoted in the New Testament Not Found in the Old T...
Verse 7.-This man came(historic,η΅λθε)for witness, that he might bear witness concerning the Light.The entire prophetic dispensation is thus characterized. That which the Baptist did, Malachi, Isaiah, Elijah, Hosea, Moses, had done in their day. He came, and by penetrating insight a...
ISAIAH 40 The Word of our God shall stand forever. THEODORE GRAEBNER St. Louis, Missouri FROM LUTHER'S INTRODUCTION, 1538 In my heart reigns this one article, faith in my dear Lord Christ, the beginning, middle and end of whatever spiritual and divine thoughts I may have, whether ...
Isaiah 1 2 3 45 6 7 89 10 11 1213 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 2728 29 3031 32 33 343536 3738 3940 41 42 4344 45 46 47 4849 50 51 52 5354 55 56 57 5859 60 61 62 6364 65 66 Jeremiah 1 2 34 5 67 8 910 11 12 1314 15 16 1718 19 20 21 2223 24 2526 27...
(cf.Romans 2:17-20). For in this, as in much else, the Jewish nation is the type of the human race since the Fall. Observe that vers. 3, 4 (οἱ πτωχοί οἱ πενθοῦντες, possibly also ver. 5,vide infra) recallIsaiah 61:1, 2. As recently in the...
(O) 16 He warned them not to make him known,(P) 17 so that what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled: 18 Here is my servant whom I have chosen,my beloved in whom I delight;I will put my Spirit on him,and he will proclaim justice to the nations.(Q)19 He ...
1 TheInternationalStandardBibleEncyclopaediastatesaboutIsaiah:“Heseemstohavebelonged toafamilyofsomerank,asmaybeinferredfromhiseasyaccesstotheking(Isa7:3),andhiscloseintimacy withthepriest(8:2).TraditionsayshewasthecousinofKingUzziah.HelivedinJerusalemandbecame courtpreacher.” Abouttheperiodofhisprophetic...
The Super Bowl champion Rams are 3-4. --On his SiriusXM show “Let’s Go!” with Jim Gray on Monday,Tom Brady talked candidly about his split with Gisele. “There’s a lot of professionals in life that go through things that they deal with at work and they deal with at home,” ...
As such they would convey the thought of the highest prophetic inspiration, as in Isaiah 11:2; Isaiah 61:1; Joel 2:28. Even from his mother’s womb.—The thought of a life from first to last in harmony with itself and consecrated to the prophet’s work, had its prototype in ...
and the heavens themselves “be rolled together as a scroll” (Isaiah 34:4). But if “the things which are seen are temporal, the things which are not seen are eternal” (2Corinthians 4:18). “I am the Lord,” is the burden of His latest prophet; “I change not” (Malachi 3:6...