But if His love be lost sight of, the hands hang down and the knees are paralysed. Faith has no energy save in the confidence of His grace. So it is everywhere as a matter of teaching from Romans to Hebrews, and from Hebrews to the Revelation. It was always true; it is clear as ...
ii.不应该视管教为神允许我们遭遇艰难时刻的唯一原因,但它是一个重要原因。例如,我们知道神允许我们经历艰难时刻,这样,我们就可以在以后的日子里,用神在我们的危机中给予我们的安慰去安慰别人(林后1:3-7). iii.这就是为什么雅各书在关于忍受试炼的上下文中,建议向神祈求智慧(雅1:2-5)。我们需要知道当神做不同...
Hebrews 9:1-15 –Jesus’ House Hebrews 9:16-28 –Jesus’ Blood A. Features of the Old Covenant described. 1. (1-5) The Old Covenant’s tabernacle and its furnishings. Then indeed, even the first covenant had ordinances of divine service and the earthly sanctuary. For a tabernacle was ...
to speak (inHebrews 12:12-17) of that which is binding on all members of a community. “Wherefore”—since the trouble which has brought discouragement should rather call forth thankfulness—“strengthen (literally,make straight again,restore to a right state) the weakened hands ...
Bible > Commentary > Gray > Hebrews◄ Hebrews 12 ►Go Ad Free Log In
Bible > Pulpit Commentary Homiletics > Hebrews 12◄ Hebrews 12 ►Go Ad Free Log In
(Genesis 12:7), and merely states that the land into which Abram had come was not uninhabited and without a possessor; so that Abram could not regard it at once as his own and proceed to take possession of it, but could only wander in it in faith as in a foreign land (Hebrews 11...