New Testament Background Commentary [Mass Market Paperback] by Mare, W. HaroldMore editions of The Expositor's Bible Commentary: New Testament Set: The Expositor's Bible ... W. Harold Mare 2 Corinthians: Murray J. Harris Galatians: James Montgomery Boice Volume 11 Ephesians ......
Tucked into the New Testament after Galatians and the Corinthian correspondence, the Epistle to the Ephesians casts a warm, quieting glow when compared to the strident character of Galatians and the rather tough lines that Paul penned to former associates in Corinth, one of the first branches est...
Satan is referred to under many other terms, such as Beelzebub ( Matthew 12:24 ); serpent ( Revelation 12:9 ); prince of the powers of the air ( Ephesians 2:2 ); Abaddon (Hebrew) and Apollyon (Greek), meaning destroyer ( Revelation 9:11 ); Belial, meaning good for nothing...