扫罗打发人到大卫的房屋那里窥探他,要等到天亮杀他。大卫的妻米甲对他说:“你今夜若不逃命,明日你要被杀。”于是,米甲将大卫从窗户里缒下去,大卫就逃走,躲避了。 a.扫罗打发人到大卫的房屋那里窥探他,要等到天亮杀他:之前,扫罗曾起誓,“我指着永生的耶和华起誓,不杀他”(撒母耳记上第19章第6节;注:参见新...
1.(18b-23)大卫赦免示每。 王要过约旦河的时候,基拉的儿子示每就俯伏在王面前,对王说:“我主我王出耶路撒冷的时候,仆人行悖逆的事。现在求我主不要因此加罪与仆人,不要记念,也不要放在心上。仆人明知自己有罪,所以约瑟全家之中,今日我首先下来迎接我主我王。”洗鲁雅的儿子亚比筛说:“示每既咒骂耶和华的受膏...
The study brings useful knowledge consistent with available evidence and clinical practice from China and South Korea, which could have prompted quicker policy decision-making.doi:10.1080/20016689.2020.1758390Mondher ToumiSamuel Aballea
I Samuel 1 2 34 5 6 7 89 10 11 1213 1415 16 1718 19 2021 22 23 2425 26 2728 29 30 31 II Samuel 1 2 3 45:1-105:11-25 678 91011 1213 14 1516 17 1819 20 2122 2324 I Kings 1 23 45 678910 1112 13 1415:1-2415:25-34 1617 18 1920 2122 ...
summarizing statements about Jesus seem to tie to similar observations written about Samuel (see 1 Sam. 2:19, 26; 3:19). The statements about Jesus read: “the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him” (2:40) and “Jesus increas...
In 1688, John Putnam, one of the most influential19 elders of Salem Village, invited Samuel Parris, formerly20 a marginally successful planter and merchant in Barbados, to preach in the Village church. A year later, after negotiations21 over salary, inflation adjustments, and free firewood, Parr...
I cannot begin to summarize or even outline the richness of Smith’s discussion of this episode, which includes fascinating parallels and contrasts with Zechariah 8:23, 1 Samuel 1, Jeremiah 8 and, intriguingly, Genesis 3. And space permits me only to hint at the intriguing suggestions that Sm...
Remember 1 Samuel 15:23: For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. 5. (11-12) Headship in light of the interdependence of men and women. Nevertheless, neither is man independent of woman, nor woman independent of man, in the Lord. For as woman came from man, even so man also ...
(Oct. 15) , Giuliano Montaldo's 1967 heist classic Grand Slam (Oct. 1), Roberto Rossellini's 1947 neo-realist Germany Year Zero (Oct. 8), Sergio Sollima's 1973 thriller Revolver (Oct. 1), Samuel Fuller's 1989 Street of No Return (Oct. 8), a digitally mastered double-feature of ...
(Genesis 27:29;Judges 8:19), i.e., the tribes descended from Leah, but the sons of his father-all the tribes of Israel therefore; and this was really the case under David (2 Samuel 5:1-2, cf.1 Samuel 18:6-7, and1 Samuel 18:16). This princely power Judah acquired through ...