from the hand, as in Heb., Psalm 22:20 (21), Psalm 49:15 (16), &c.Daniel 6:27 Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament(Daniel 6:25-27) The consequences of this occurrence. As Nebuchadnezzar, after the wonderful deliverance of Daniel's friends from the burning ...
the word and Son of God in heaven, whilst he as man, was here on earth; and he is now with him, and ever will be: and as John here speaks of the word, as a distinct person from God the Father, so do the Targums, or Chaldee paraphrases;Psalm 110:1"the Lord said to my Lord...
And let Me make an EVERLASTING COVENANT with you, the trustworthy kindnesses of David [THROUGH TESHUVA- PSALM 51-DAVID'S PUBLIC CONFESSION, AS PER WHAT DAVID DID WHEN HE WAS WALKING AGAINST YAHWEH and also Israel's descendants -Isaiah 27:9=gross idolatry= CHURCH WORSHIP= NO TORAH]. ...
Alford••Bengel•••••••••GSB•Gill••Guzik•Haydock•Hastings•Homiletics•ICC•JFB••••MacLaren••••Parker•PNT•Poole•Pulpit•Sermon•SCO•TTB•VWS•WES• Psalm 118:22 and be slain; or put to death, with the death of ...
(comp. Prayer Book version) seems to connect the river of this verse with the waters of the preceding.Streams.—See Note on Psalm 1:3, where the same word occurs.MacLaren's ExpositionsPsalmsTHE CITY AND RIVER OF GODPsalm 46:4 - Psalm 46:7. There are two remarkable events in the ...
In their meticulously researched commentary to "The Collected Works of Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke, Volume II," editors Margaret Hannay, Noel Kinnamon and Michael Brennan have argued that the Countess of Pembroke's translation of the Psalms of David indicate her having used a wide ...
on מעונות, lustra, Psalm 104:22 (compared on Job 37:8 already); on סכּה, סך, which is used just in the same way, Psalm 10:9; Jeremiah 25:38. The picture of the crying ravens has its parallel in Psalm 147:9. כּי, quum, is followed by...
the first being the Scholia on the Psalms by Bar-He- braeus, published in Hebrew characters by De Lagarde in 1879,4 while the second one is in a manuscript presently in London: British Museum, Oriental 9354, fl6v.5 This paper will present the text of Ps 151 in these three...
two versions of Ps 151, each with its own set of text-critical notes.2 The one version is the one contained in the important Syriac manuscript 12t4, while the other is the version contained in a Syriac translation of the Psalms Commentary of Athanasius as found in the manuscript 6h22. Th...
Testament passages refer tothe Millennium. He asserted this of Ezekiel 38:8; 37:25, 26, 28; Hosea 3:4, 5;Psalm 72:7. Some of these may refer to the Millennium. Only Isaiah 24:22, 23 must refer to ...