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The strategic masterminds told party activists and bedrock supporters that they must keep their political libidos under control for fear of frightening the floating voter. In Britain that got them the Iraq War, economic crisis and two electoral defeats, not to mention the personal enrichment of pri...
While speaking to a potential voter Ms Lucas criticised Jo Swinson for insisting that the Liberal Democrats would revoke Brexit if voted into power. In an interview with UK news and gossip website, Ms Lucas was asked a rambling question on the early progress of the Remain ...
and (2) voter disaffection and disillusionment over her Christian Democratic Union, which is of course, neither Christian, Democratic, or much of a real union, and how Merkel and her minions have manipulated the German political class and the media to stay in power as long as they have. Cle...
But where is the relevance for France today? When right-wing Catholics and assorted bigots turned out en masse to oppose the Socialist government’s same-sex marriage law – singularly failing to mobilise Muslims, by the way, despite some efforts to do so – there were few appeals to secula...