In Visual Studio Code, you can selectEditand thenToggle Line Comment(or use theCtrl+:shortcut keys) to comment. To comment on a whole block of code, you can use/* and */. In Visual Studio Code, you can selectEditand thenToggle Block Comment(or use theAlt + Shift+Ashortcut keys) ...
EnableCode EncapsulateField EndCall Koncový bod EndpointComponent Entity EntityContainer Databáze EntityDatabase Entityset Entry EntryPoint Výčet EnumerationInternal EnumerationItemInternal VýčetItemPrivate EnumerationItemProtected VýčetItemPublic VýčetItemSealed VýčetItemShortcut Vý...
For alternative development options on Mac, please visit the linked blog or learn more about the C# Dev Kit extension for VS Code. As we approach Visual Studio for Mac’s retirement date, we’ll be closing suggestions as they’re not related to criti...
When I’m making VB.NET code with VS for Mac (Version 7.8.3 build 2) and want to comment out multiple lines,I cannot do that by the keyboard shortcut “⌘/”. It seems that it doesn’t work only for VB.NET. Are there any good ways to comment out multiple lines easily ...
Comments in code begin with the comment mark preferred by your development language. If you insert a token string (TODO, UNDONE, HACK, or a custom token string) after the comment mark, a shortcut to the comment will appear in the Task List....
EnumerationItemShortcut EnumerationItemSnippet EnumerationPrivate EnumerationProtected EnumerationPublic EnumerationSealed EnumerationShortcut EnumerationSnippet Среда EnvironmentTemplate Ластик ErrorBarChart ErrorSquiggleActive ErrorSquiggleCriticalActive ErrorSquiggleCriticalInactive ErrorSquiggleInactive Error...
In the visual studio code, there is a shortcut to add the multiline comments by selecting the lines that we need to comment and then pressing theALT + SHIFT + Abutton. For example, This is the first line This is the second line ...
It appears to me that, althought previously available in Jupyter Notebook, the command to "comment code" (also toggled by keyboard shortcut Crtl + /) is currently not listed in the Commands vertical pane. Command is still available to use, normally. Personal opinion but, it would be ...
Once specified, you can generate the comment stub by typing the respective “///” or “/**” above a function, or by using the (Ctrl+/) shortcut. You can also specify this documentation option on a per-folder or per-file basis via .editorconfig files with the corresponding setting: ...
As a shortcut, you can useCtrl+Kto comment andCtrl+Cto uncomment selected lines of text in C#. Alternatively,Ctrl+Kcan comment, andCtrl+Ucan uncomment selected lines of C# code. Comment a Block of Text in C# with Visual Studio’s Box Selection Feature ...