UnionShortcut UniqueKey Chyba jedinečného klíče UniqueKeyWarning UnitePath UnitOfMeasure UniversalPlatform UnknownApplication Unknownmember Odpojit Zrušit propojeníVertical Unlock UnnestRelatedDocuments UnnestTreeView Odepnout UnshelvePendingChanges Přestat odebírat UnsyncedCommits UpdateAnimation Aktu...
In Visual Studio Code, you can select Edit and then Toggle Block Comment (or use the Alt + Shift+A shortcut keys) to comment on a block of code.al-language 複製 /* This is a comment on multiple multiple multiple lines. */
When I’m making VB.NET code with VS for Mac (Version 7.8.3 build 2) and want to comment out multiple lines,I cannot do that by the keyboard shortcut “⌘/”. It seems that it doesn’t work only for VB.NET. Are there any good ways to comment out multiple lines easily ...
Microsoft Resolution - Dominic [MSFT] Closed - Out of Scope··· We’re closing this suggestion as Visual Studio for Mac is scheduled for retirement on August 31st, 2024. You may continue to use Visual Studio for Mac through this date and beyond. F...
regardingobjectid_mspp_shortcut_adx_portalcomment mspp_shortcut mspp_shortcut_adx_portalcomments regardingobjectid_mspp_website mspp_website mspp_website_ActivityPointers regardingobjectid_mspp_website_adx_portalcomment mspp_website mspp_website_adx_portalcomments regardingobjectid_new_interactionforemail...
regardingobjectid_mspp_shortcut_adx_portalcomment mspp_shortcut mspp_shortcut_adx_portalcomments regardingobjectid_mspp_website mspp_website mspp_website_ActivityPointers regardingobjectid_mspp_website_adx_portalcomment mspp_website mspp_website_adx_portalcomments regardingobjectid_new_interactionforemail...
Once specified, you can generate the comment stub by typing the respective “///” or “/**” above a function, or by using the (Ctrl+/) shortcut. You can also specify this documentation option on a per-folder or per-file basis via .editorconfig files with the corresponding setting: ...
In Pycharm IDE, select the block of code and useCtrl+/to comment and uncomment. No matter which code editor you are using, it has a way to comment out multiple lines of code. All you have to do is search for the keyboard shortcut for commenting out multiple lines....
As a shortcut, you can useCtrl+Kto comment andCtrl+Cto uncomment selected lines of text in C#. Alternatively,Ctrl+Kcan comment, andCtrl+Ucan uncomment selected lines of C# code. Comment a Block of Text in C# with Visual Studio’s Box Selection Feature ...
A better way is usingImage File Execution Options, originally explainedhere. In short: #157 PlaceNotepad2e.exesomewhere.Program Files (x86)\Notepad2e\directory is a good place. Import this registry key: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ...