MySQL中,INNER JOIN,CROSS JOIN, JOIN三者等价,都代表内连接。一般使用INNER JOIN. LEFT [OUT] JOIN 左外连接 RHGHT [OUT] JION 右外连接 内连接仅显示左右表都符合条件的记录。 SELECT goods_id,cate_name FROM tdb_goods INNER JOIN tdb_goods_cates ON tdb_goods.cate_id = tdb_goods_cates.cate_id;...
MySQL 默认是开启事务的,通过 SHOW VARIABLES like 'autocommit'; 可以查看 MySQL 的事务开启情况。 在autocommit = ON(自动提交事务)的情况下,可以执行 BEGIN; 或者 START TRANSACTION; 命令,改为手动提交事务,执行完 SQL 语句后,需要通过 COMMIT 命令提交事务,或者通过 ROLLBACK 命令回滚事务。 在autocommit = OFF...
UPDATEaccountSETbalance=balanceWHEREaccount_id=5752; This statement produces no change in value at all. To keep this from happening, MySQL requires a whitespace character following the--for it to be recognized as a start-comment sequence in MySQL Server, so that an expression such asbalance--1...
字段名 查看表注释的方法: > show create table tablename; 获取整个数据库的所有表信息(包含表名,表注释,表类型等等): > SELECT table_name...INFORMATION_SCHEMA是信息数据库,其中保存着关于MySQL服务器所维护的所有其他数据库的信息...
---+ 10 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> create table test_bug(id int, PRIMARY KEY(id))engine=ndb; ERROR 1046 (3D000): No database selected mysql> use test Database changed mysql> create table test_bug(id int, PRIMARY KEY(id))engine=ndb; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.72 sec) my...
6. Mr Hicks is out of the country and so unavailable for comment. 希克斯先生目前不在国内,所以无法发表评论。 7. His recently completed chapel for Fitzwilliam is attracting favourable comment. 他最近为菲茨威廉建成的小教堂赢得了好评。 8. The blunt comment made Richard laugh in spite of himself....
Bug #31900 Wrong confusing comment in mysql_com.h header file Submitted: 29 Oct 2007 0:06Modified: 18 Dec 2007 4:58 Reporter: Roland Bouman Email Updates: Status: Closed Impact on me: None Category: MySQL Server: User-defined functions ( UDF )Severity: S3 (Non-critical) Version: ...
When we use a lot of column's comment, it'll be great to set column's comment in the table's templates ;-) New feature ! Best regards, Subject Views Written By Posted Column comment in table templates 668 Emmanuel FOURNIER November 29, 2021 05:38AM ...
If --out or --report-file is given, three output files will be created, one for each of the two counts and one for the diff. See also --diff, --diff-alignment, --diff-timeout, --ignore-case, --ignore-whitespace. --diff <set1> <set2> Compute differences in code and comments ...
Save stored procedures in .sql files along with comments...much easier that way. Plus, you can use VC on your SQL files to do versioning.. Jay Pipes Community Relations Manager, North America, MySQL Inc. Got Cluster? ...