On macOS, Cmd+Shift+3 takes a screenshot of the screen, so I guess code would be commented if you tried to take screenshot with this shortcut while focused in the script editor? But it's not a big deal, you can just unbind the shortcut, or unfocus the script editor, or take a ...
If you’ve commented out multiple lines using apostrophes, select the lines and click this button to uncomment them all at once. Shortcut Key: Alternatively, you can use the shortcut key Alt+U to quickly uncomment a block of code. Select the lines and press this key combination. Handling ...
I just had the same issue after setting up a new Mac with Xcode 10.1 using the German keyboard layout. The solution was to disable the Keyboard shortcut in system settings for the help menu. System settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App shortcuts. There was a shortcut for all apps to ...
In the Class Attributes videos of the Beginning OOP Python course, the teacher selects several lines of code and clearly uses a keyboard shortcut to comment the line out. What is this shortcut? 1 Answer Cameron Childres on Dec 9, 2020 Hi Paema, Try CTRL and /...
TypeShortcut UACShield UI UIEditor UIExplorer UMLModel UnblockingStack Quitar marca de comentario UncommentCode Subrayado Deshacer UndoCheckBoxList UndoCheckedOutItem Desacoplar DeshacerNoColor UnfreezeColumn Desagrupar DesagruparClause Desinstalar Union UnionInternal UnionPrivate UnionProtected UnionPublic Union...
Plugin Name: EmmyLua Plugin Version: 1.3.8-IDEA223 OS Name: Windows 11 Java Version: 17.0.5 App Name: IDEA App Full Name: IntelliJ IDEA App Version name: IntelliJ IDEA Is EAP: false App Build: IU-223.8617.56 App Version: 2022.3.2 Last Ac...
Users can use the keyboard shortcut to comment out multiple lines of HTML code. To do it, users must select all the lines of HTML code they want to comment out. After that, if you are a macOS user, press theCommand+/keys together; otherwise, pressctrl+/, if you are a Windows or ...
Notepad++ recognizes R code and also allows you to comment out code with theCtrl+QorCommand+Qshortcut. If you use Emacs, you can also useM-x comment-region. To revert the action, useM-x uncomment region. You can also use thescan()function to insert any arbitrary text inside your code,...
But it's the keyboard shortcuts that really rock! These will, predictably, comment or uncomment lines of code for you. So, let's say you have some code you want commented out. Just select it:Then press CTRL + K, CTRL + C (in this example):...
Visual Basic Code Example: Setting MSMQQueueInfo.ServiceTypeGuid Sending Messages to Multiple Destinations comm (Windows) wave/out (Windows) What's New in Server Core (Windows) IConsole2::UpdateAllViews method (Windows) MSFT_NetConSecRule class (Windows) Interactivity (Windows) Windows Server 2012 ...