First Known Use Noun 14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1 Verb 15th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense Time Traveler The first known use of comment was in the 14th century See more words from the same century Dictionary...
This often led to an expansion of ideas and deepened understanding in ways that sparked joy, curiosity, creativity and meaning. We discuss how academic culture currently hampers collaboration: key roadblocks are identified, specifically rewards and recognition, the lack of spaces for trust-building, ...
A context is empty if there is no invoking state; meaning nobody called current context. parent payload ruleContext sourceInterval start Get the initial token in this context. Note that the range from start to stop is inclusive, so for rules that do not consume anything (for example, ...
comment. comments are non-executable statements, meaning browsers don’t read them and they don’t end up on the actual webpage. their aim is to add useful information for developers, who can add comments for their own reference. you might find comments when embedding custom code into your ...
The values of code model elements such as classes, structs, functions, attributes, delegates, and so forth can be non-deterministic after making certain kinds of edits, meaning that their values cannot be relied upon to always remain the same. For more information, see the section Code Model ...
The values of code model elements such as classes, structs, functions, attributes, delegates, and so forth can be non-deterministic after making certain kinds of edits, meaning that their values cannot be relied upon to always remain the same. For more information, see the section Code Model ...
Also, the values of code model elements such as classes, structs, functions, attributes, delegates, and so forth can be non-deterministic after making certain kinds of edits, meaning that their values cannot be relied upon to always remain the same. For more information, see the section Code...
Answer to: Comment on the themes and the language used on the passage (Book 2, ll. 509-28; given below) from By signing up, you'll get thousands of...
The values of code model elements such as classes, structs, functions, attributes, delegates, and so forth can be non-deterministic after making certain kinds of edits, meaning that their values cannot be relied upon to always remain the same. For more information, see the section Code Model ...
[…] Among the Baganda of central Uganda, there was a practice known as Kutawulula, meaning “unravelling.” A person who, for instance, witnessed others fighting in their community had a duty of first intervening and separating the fighting parties, then had another role of ensuring that ...