Users can use the keyboard shortcut to comment out multiple lines of HTML code. To do it, users must select all the lines of HTML code they want to comment out. After that, if you are a macOS user, press theCommand+/keys together; otherwise, pressctrl+/, if you are a Windows or ...
Adds a parameter with the specified parameter name followed by the specified description to the "Parameters" section. The description may continue onto multiple lines. This tag is valid only in a documentation comment for a method, constructor, or class. The parameter name can be the name of a...
prettier is the JavaScript formatter we will run before commits. Now we can make sure every file is formatted correctly by adding a few lines to the package.json in the project root. Add the following line to scripts section: "scripts": { + "precommit": "lint-staged", "start": "react...
Disables the enter-to-submit shortcut in some commit/PR/issue title fields to avoid accidental submissions. Use ctrl enter instead. Reading comments 🔥 Adds reaction avatars showing who reacted to a comment. Embeds short gists when linked in comments on their own lines. Adds links to browse...
(adding multiple numbers together) Code stops executing at DataAdapter.Fill line?? Code to run/control another program? Coding a Hangman game in C# Coding a shortcut in C# Collection was modified after the enumerator was instantiated Colon in Api Get Request URL Column 'opOrderID' is ...